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سمت در پژوهشگاه

پسا دکتری، پژوهشکده فیزیک
(1400 تا 1401 )

سمت‌های پیشین در پژوهشگاه

پژوهشگر دانشجو، پژوهشکده فیزیک
(1394 تا 1399)

علایق پژوهشی

Foundation Physics


1. S. Aghapour, L. Andersson and K. Rosquist
Helicity, Spin, and Infra-zilch of Light: a Lorentz Covariant Formulation
 (Preprint) [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 2012.12566 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2021/004
2. S. Aghapour, L. Andersson and K. Rosquist
The zilch electromagnetic conservation law revisited
J. Math. Phys. 61 (2020), 122902  [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 1904.08639 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2019/011 Note: Published Online: 18 December 2020 Accepted: July 2020
3. S. Aghapour, L. Andersson and R. Bhattacharyya
Helicity and spin conservation in Maxwell theory and Linearized Gravity
 (Preprint) [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 1812.03292 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2019/012
4. S. Aghapour, Gh. Jafari and M. Golshani
On variational principle and canonical structure of gravitational theory in double-foliation formalism
Class.Quant.Grav 36 (2019), 015012  [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P-2019/010 Note: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/aaef9e/meta
5. S. Aghapour and K. Hajian
Black Hole Entropy from Entropy of Hawking Radiation
J.Mod.Phys. 7 (2016), 2063-2070  [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P-2016/009
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