“Narges Jamialahmadi”

Tel:  02123105064
Fax:  jami@ipm.ir

IPM Positions

PostDoctoral Associate, School of Astronomy
(2016 - 2018 )

non IPM Affiliations

Colaboration, Nice observatory in France, IAG group in Sao paulo, Brazil, Graz university in Austria, IPAG group in Gronoble, France

Research Interests

Study of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), Planet formation, Circumstellar environment of YSOs through emission lines and study disks, the condition of planet formation, Optical/Infrared interferometry: observation- data reduction, Numerical simulations (radiative transfer codes for gas and dust)

Research Activities

To understand how planetary systems form, a detailed knowledge of the structure and evolution of these disks is required. Although, this is almost well understood for the regions of the disks observed with a spatial several AUs, the structure of these disks probed at a few AU scale and especially inward of 1 AU remains a puzzle. In recent years, it has become possible to directly spatially resolve the inner region of protoplanetary disks with optical interferometry technique. The context of my study is a multi-wavelength investigation of the protoplanetary disks evolution by determining their density distribution, their temperature distribution, the size and composition of the dust components and finally the kinematic of the gas. To do so, I have observed several YSOs using interferometers such as : AMBER/VLTI at K-band, MIDI/VLTI at N-band, PIONIER/VLTI at H-band and VEGA/CHARA at visible domain. I plan to keep observing during staying at IPM with these instruments combing with radiative transfer codes collaborating with Nice group in France, Brazilian group, IPAG group in Gronoble in France, Graz group in Austria, and Li?ge university in Belguim.

Present Research Project at IPM

Study of the inner region of protoplanetray disks around YSOs using optical/Infrared Interferometry.

Related Papers

1. N. Jamialahmadi, Th. Ratzka, O. Panic, H. Fathivavsari, R. Van Boekel, S. Flement, Th. Hening, W. Jaffe and G. Mulders
Constraining the gap size in the disk around HD 100546 in the mid-infrared
Astrophysical Journal 865 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2018/09
2. H. Fathivavsari, P. Petitjean, N. Jamialahmadi, H. G Khosroshahi , H. Rahmani, H. Finley, P. Noterdaeme, I. Pâris and R. Srianand
Eclipsing damped Lyα systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12
MNRAS (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2018/01
3. N. Jamialahmadi, B. Lopez, Ph. Berio, A. Matter, S. Flament, H. Fathivavsari, T. Ratzka, M. L. Sitko, A. Spang and R. W. Russell
On the inner disc structure of MWC480: evidence for asymmetries?
MNRAS 473 (2017),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2017/31
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