“Majid Asadi”


IPM Positions

Senior Researcher, School of Mathematics - Isfahan Branch
(2019 - 2022
(Resident in Isfahan from March 21, 2019 till September 22, 2022))

Past IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics
(2012 - 2019)
(till March 20, 2019 in Isfahan branch )

Non IPM Affiliations

Professor of University of Isfahan

Related Papers

1. M. Asadi (Joint M. Hashemi and N. Balakrishnan)
An overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature-based models of preventive maintenance
Appl. Stochastic Models Bus. Ind. 39 (2022), 1-50  [abstract]
2. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Hashemi and M. Tavangar)
Optimal maintenance strategies for coherent systems: A warranty dependent approach
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 217 (2022), 1-14  [abstract]
3. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Hashemi and M. Tavangar)
Optimal preventive maintenance for coherent systems whose failure occurs due to aging or external shocks
Computers & Industrial Engineering 163 (2022), 1-15  [abstract]
4. M. Asadi (Joint with O. Shojaee and M. Finkelstein)
On some properties of α-mixtures
Metrika (2021), DOI: 10.1007/s00184-021-00818-1  [abstract]
5. M. Asaadi (Joint with M. Bohloolo-Zefreh)
On the reliability and optimal maintenance of systems under a generalized mixed D-shock model
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: J. Risk and Reliability 235 (2021), 909-922  [abstract]
6. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Memari and S. Zarezadeh)
Optimal preventive maintenance for reparable networks
Appl. Stochastic Models Bus. Ind. 37 (2021), 1017-1041  [abstract]
7. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Ashrafi and J. Navarro)
Joint reliability function of coherent systems with shared heterogeneous components
Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. (2021), DOI: 10.1007/s11009-021-09867-5  [abstract]
8. M. Asadi (Joint with O. Shojaee and M. Finkelstein)
Stochastic properties of generalized finite α-mixtures
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 35 (2021), 1-25  [abstract]
9. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Kelkinnama)
Optimal redundancy allocation in coherent systems with heterogeneous dependent components
J. Appl. Probab. (Accepted) [abstract]
10. M. Asadi (Joint with K. Hamdan and M. Tavangar)
Optimal preventive maintenance for repairable weighted k-out-of-n systems
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 205 (2021), 107267  [abstract]
11. M. Asadi (Joint with Z. Behboudi and G. R. Mohtashami Borzadaran)
Reliability modeling of two-unit cold standby systems: A periodic switching approach
Appl. Math. Model 92 (2021), 176-195  [abstract]
12. M. Asadi (Joint with A. Di Crescenzo, F. A. Sajadi, and S. Spina)
A generalized Gompertz growth model with applications and related birth-death processes
Ricerche mat. (2020), DOI: 10.1007/s11587-020-00548-y  [abstract]
13. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Hashemi)
Optimal preventive maintenance of coherent systems: a generalized polya process approach
IISE Transactions 53 (2020), 1-13  [abstract]
14. M. Asadi (Joint with Z. Mansourvar)
An extension of the Cox-Czanner divergence measure to residual lifetime distributions with applications
Statistics 54 (2020), 1311-1328  [abstract]
15. M. Asadi (Joint with O. M. Ardakani, N. Ebrahimi, and E. S. Soofi)
MR plot: A big data tool for distinguishing distributions
Stat. Anal. Data Min. (2020), DOI: 10.1002/sam.11464  [abstract]
16. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Hashemi and S. Zarezadeh)
Optimal maintenance policies for coherent sytems with multi-type components
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (Publishied) [abstract]
17. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Zarezadeh)
A unified approach to constructing correlation coefficients between random variables
Metrika (Publishied) [abstract]
18. M. Asadi (Joint with Z. Mansourvar)
Semiparametric inference for proportional mean past life model
International Journal of Biostatistics (Publishied) [abstract]
19. M. Asadi (Joint with N. Ebrahimi aand E. S. Soofi)
The alpha-mixture of survival functions
J. Appl. Probab. (Publishied) [abstract]
20. M. Asadi (Joint with N. Ebrahimi, O. Kharazmi, and E. S. Soofi)
Mixture models, Bayes Fisher information, and divergence measures
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (2019), 1-6  [abstract]
21. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Zarezadeh)
Coherent systems subject to multiple shocks with applications to preventative maintenance
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 185 (2018), 124-132  [abstract]
22. M. Asadi (Joint with N. Ebrahimi and E. S. Soofi)
Optimal hazard models based on partial information
European J. Oper. Res. 270 (2018), 723-733  [abstract]
23. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Zarezadeh and S. Eftekhar)
Signature-based information measures of multi-state networks
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 34 (2018), 1-22  [abstract]
24. M. Asadi (Joint with E. Zamanzade and A. Parvardeh)
Estimation of mean residual life based on ranked set sampling
Comput. Stat. Data Anal. (Accepted) [abstract]
25. M. Asadi (Joint with O. Kharazmi)
On the time-dependent Fisher information of a density function
Braz. J. Probab. Stat. (Accepted) [abstract]
26. M. Asadi
A new measure of association between random variables
Metrika (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s00184-017-0620-5  [abstract]
27. M. Asadi (Joint with N. Ebrahimi and E. S. Soofi)
Connectedness of Gini, Fisher and Shannon by Bayes risk under proportional hazards
J. Appl. Probab. (Accepted) [abstract]
28. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Ashrafi)
The failure probability of components in three-sate networks with applications to age replacement policy
J. Appl. Probab. (Accepted) [abstract]
29. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Esna-Ashari)
On additive-multiplicative Hazards model
Statistics (Accepted) [abstract]
30. M. Asadi (Joint with N. Ebrahimi, E. S. Soofi, and Y. Zohrevand)
Jensen-Shannon information of the coherent system lifetime
Reliability Engineering and System Safety (Accepted) [abstract]
31. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Zarezadeh and S. Ashrafi)
A shock model based approach to network reliability
IEEE Transactions on Reliability (Accepted) [abstract]
32. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Kelkinnama and M. Tavangar)
New developments on stochastic properties of coherent systems
IEEE Transactions on Reliability (2015), DOI: 10.1109/TR.2015.2431682  [abstract]
33. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Ashrafi)
On the stochastic and dependence properties of the three-state systems
Metrika (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s00184-014-0501-0  [abstract]
34. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Afshari)
Dynamic reliability modeling of three-state networks
J. Appl. Probab. (Accepted) [abstract]
35. M. Asadi (joint with S. Zarezaded)
Network reliability modeling under stochastic process of component failures
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 62 (2013), 917-929  [abstract]
36. M. Asadi (Joint with A. R. Asadi)
On the failure probability of used coherent systems
Commun. Statis. Theor. Methods  (Accepted) [abstract]
37. M. Asadi (Joint with S. Zarezadeh and N. Balakrishnan)
Dynamic network reliability modeling under nonhomogeneous Poisson processes
European J. Oper. Res. (2013), DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.07.037  [abstract]
38. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Kelkin Nama)
Stochastic properties of components in used coherent systems
Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. (2013), DOI 10.1007/s11009-013-9322-2  [abstract]
39. M. Asadi (Joint with M. Kelkin Nama and Z. Zhang)
On the residual lifelengths of the remaining components in a coherent system
Metrika (2013), DOI 10.1007/s00184-012-0427-3  [abstract]
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