“Mohammad Abolfath”

IPM Positions

Senior Researcher, School of Physics
(1994 - 2001 )

Related Papers

1. M. Abolfath, K. Mullen and H.T.C. Stoof
Massive Skyrmions in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001), 075315  [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/0005195 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2000/023
2. A. Langari, M. Abolfath and M.A. Martin-Delgado
Phase Diagram of Ferrimagnetic Ladders with Bond Alternation
Phys. Rev. B 61 (2000), 343-348  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2000/005
3. R. Golestanian, T. Jungwirth and M. Abolfath
Finite-Temperature Behavior of the ν = 1 Quantum Hall Effect in Bilayer Electron Systems
Phys. Rev. B 61 (2000), 4762-4765  [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/9906374 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-1999/092
4. M. Abolfath, H. Hamidian and A. Langari
Quantum Ferrimagnets
 (Preprint) [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/9901063 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-1999/103
5. M. Abolfath
Quantum Fluctuations of Classical Skyrmions in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998), 2013-2016  [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/9712260 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-1998/004
6. M. Abolfath and M.R. Ejtehadi
Field Theory of Skyrme Lattices in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998), 10665-10673  [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/9807236 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-1997/031
7. M. Abolfath, J.J. Palacios, H.A. Fertig, S.M. Grivin and A.H. MacDonald
A Critical Comparison of Field Theory and Microscopic Wave Functions for Skyrmions in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 56 (1997), 6795-6804  [abstract]
arXive.org link: cond-mat/9705125 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-1997/016
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