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Paper   IPM / Physic / 6952
School of Physics
  Title:   On The Multi Trace Superpotential and Corresponding Matrix Model
1.  M. Alishahiha
2.  M.H. Yavartanoo
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Eur. Phys. J. C
  Vol.:  32
  Year:  2004
  Pages:   575-582
  Supported by:  IPM
We study N=1 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory coupled to an adjoint scalar superfiled with a cubic superpotential containing a multi trace term. We show that the field theory results can be reproduced from a matrix model which its potential is given in terms of a linearized potential obtained from the gauge theory superpotential by adding some auxiliary nondynamical field. Once we get the effective action from this matrix model we could integrate out the auxiliary field getting the correct field theory results.

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