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Paper   IPM / Physic / 15194
School of Physics
  Title:   On the nature of Ξc(2930)
1.  T.M. Aliev
2.  K. Azizi
3.  H. Sundu
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Eur. Phys. J. A
  No.:  9
  Vol.:  54
  Year:  2018
  Pages:   159
  Supported by:  IPM
The single charmed excited Ξc(2930) state was discovered many years ago by BABAR collaboration and recently confirmed by Belle experiment. However, both of these experiments, unfortunately, could not fix the quantum numbers of this particle and its nature is under debates. In the present study, we calculate its mass and width of its dominant decay to Λc K . To this end we consider Ξc(2930) state once as angularly excited and then radially excited single charmed baryon in Ξc channel. Considering the obtained central values and comparison of them with the central values of the experimental data on its width suggests assignment of Ξc(2930) state as the angular excitation of the ground state Ξc baryon. However, when the uncertainties from the theory and experiment are included, both cases lead to considerable overlaps with the experimental data and none of them can be ruled out. Therefor, probably the Ξc(2930) state has the quantum numbers JP=[1/2], however, to make a final decision on the nature of this state more new experimental data with small statistical and systematical errors are needed.

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