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Paper   IPM / Physic / 15083
School of Physics
  Title:   On the time evolution of holographic n-partite information
1.  M. Alishahiha
2.  M.R. Mohammadi Mozaffar
3.  M.R. Tanhayi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JHEP
  Vol.:  09
  Year:  2015
  Pages:   165
  Supported by:  IPM
We study various scaling behaviors of n-partite information during a process of thermalization after a global quantum quench for n disjoint system consisting of n parallel strips whose widths are much larger than the separation between them. By making use of the holographic description for entanglement entropy we explore holographic description of the n-partite information by which we show that it has a definite sign: it is positive for even n and negative for odd n. This might be thought of as an intrinsic property of a field theory which has gravity dual.

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