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Paper   IPM / Physic / 12300
School of Physics
  Title:   Local Features with Large Spike non-Gaussianities during Inflation
1.  A. A. Abolhasani
2.  H. Firouzjahi
3.  Sh. Khosravi
4.  M. Sasaki
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JCAP
  Vol.:  11
  Year:  2012
  Pages:   012
  Supported by:  IPM
We provide a dynamical mechanism to generate localized features during inflation. The local feature is due to a sharp waterfall phase transition which is coupled to the inflaton field. The key effect is the contributions of waterfall quantum fluctuations which induce a sharp peak on the curvature perturbation which can be as large as the background curvature perturbation from inflaton field. Due to non-Gaussian nature of waterfall quantum fluctuations a large spike non-Gaussianity is produced which is narrowly peaked at modes which leave the Hubble radius at the time of phase transition. The large localized peaks in power spectrum and bispectrum can have interesting consequences on CMB anisotropies.

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