“Rouzbeh Tusserkani”

Tel: (+98-21) 2310 ext. 2271
Fax: (+98-21)22290648

IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2008 - 2011 (Until March 20)) |
Past IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2001 - 2002) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics (1999 - 2000) |
Related Papers |
1. | H. Safdari, A. Kalirad, C. Picioreanu, R. Tusserkani, B. Goliaei and M. Sadeghi Noise-driven cell differentiation and the emergence of spatiotemporal patterns Plos One 15 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232060 [abstract] |
2. | M. Sadeghi, H. Pezeshk, R. Tusserkani, A. Sharifi Zarchi, S.A. Malekpour-Nargesi, Mehdi. Foroughmand, S. Goliaei, M. Totonchi and N. Ansari-Pour The Role and Importance of Genome Sequencing in Prediction of Cancer Risk Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering 11 (2017), 455-460 [abstract] |
3. | A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , M. Totonchi. , K. Khaloughi. , R. Karamzadeh. , M. J. Araúzo-Bravo. , H. Baharvand. , R. Tusserkani. , H. Pezeshk. , H. R. Chitsaz. and M. Sadeghi. Increased robustness of early embryogenesis through collective decision-making by key transcription factors BMC Systems Biology DOI:10.1186/s12918-015-0169-8 (2015), [abstract] |
4. | H. Poormohammadi, C. Eslahchi and R. Tusserkani TripNet: A Method for Constructing Rooted Phylogenetic Networks from Rooted Triplets Plos One (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0106531 [abstract] |
5. | M. Heidari. , S. A. Marashi. , R. Tusserkani. and M. Sadeghi. Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees of prokaryotes using maximal common intervals Biosystems 124 (2014), 86-94 [abstract] |
6. | H. Poormohammadi. , C. Eslahchi. and R. Tusserkani. TripNet: A Method for Constructing Rooted Phylogenetic Networks from Triplets Plos One 9 (2014), 1-12 [abstract] |
7. | F, Dorri. , H. Mahini. , A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , M. Totonchi. , R. Tusserkani. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. Natural Biased Coin Encoded in the Genome Determines Cell Strategy Plos One 9 (2014), e103569 [abstract] |
8. | C. Eslahchi. , H.R. Maimani. , R. Torabi. and R. Tuserkani. Proper nearly perfect sets in graphs Ars Combinatoria (Accepted) [abstract] |
9. | C. Eslahchi. , H.R. Maimani. , R. Torabi. and R. Tuserkani. Dynamical 2-domination in graphs Ars Combinatoria (Accepted) [abstract] |
10. | H. R. Maimani, R. Torabi and R. Tusserkani (Joint with Ch. Eslahchi) Dynamical 2-domination in graphs Ars Combin. (Accepted) [abstract] |
11. | H. R. Maimani, R. Torabi and R. Tusserkani (Joint with Ch. Eslahchi) Proper nearly perfect sets in graphs Ars Combin. (Accepted) [abstract] |
12. | R. Tusserkani, H. Hajiabolhassan and M. L. Mehrabadi Minimal coloring and strength of graphs Discrete Math. 215 (2000), 265-270 [abstract] |
13. | H. Hajiabolhassan, M. L. Mehrabadi and R. Tusserkani A note on the Hall-condition number of a graph Ars Combin. 55 (2000), 215-216 [abstract] |
14. | H. Hajiabolhassan, M.L. Mehrabadi, R. Tusserkani and M. Zaker A characterization of uniquely vertex colorable graphs using minimal defining sets Discrete Math. 199 (1999), 233-236 [abstract] |
15. | Ch. Eslahchi, H. Hajiabolhassan, M.L. Mehrabadi and R. Tusserkani A counterexample for Hilton-Johnson's conjecture on list-coloring of graphs Australas. J. Combin. 18 (1998), 127-131 [abstract] |