“Mohammadhossein Mohammadali Khalaj”

Tel:  (+9821)2310 ext. 2210

IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Analytic Philosophy
(2023 - Present )

Related Papers

1. M. Hossein. M.A. Khalaj and H. Sheykh Rezaee
Faith and the Extremist Mindset
Erkenntnis (2024),   [abstract]
2. M. Hoseein. M. A. Khalaj
A (moderate) skill-based defense of the expertise defense
Philosophical Psychology (2024),   [abstract]
3. M. Hoseein. M. A. Khalaj
Faith as skill: an essay on faith in the Abrahamic tradition
Religious Studies (Forthcoming) [abstract]
4. M. Hoseein. M. A. Khalaj
A Solution to the General Epistemic Problem for Anti-Intellectualism
Episteme  (Forthcoming) [abstract]
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