“Elham Eftekhari ”
Tel: 021-2310-5065

IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Astronomy
Research Interests |
Constraining the formation and evolution of galaxies from near-IR spectral range -Developing methodologies to exploit the near-IR range for studying stellar populations of galaxies -Confronting observations to predictions of stellar population synthesis models to reconcile theory and observations of massive galaxies in the near-IR -Constraining stellar population gradients of ETGs in the near-IR -Determining the functional form of the IMF -Studying the IMF in varying environments |
Present Research Project at IPM |
Stellar population gradients of early-type galaxies in the near-infrared | ||
Related Papers |
1. | E. Eftekhari, F. La Barbera, A. Vazdekis and M. Beasley The relic galaxy NGC 1277 rules out intermediate-age stellar populations origin of CO-strong absorptions in massive early-type galaxies MNRAS 515 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/08 |