“Zahra Nazemian”
Tel: (+98-21) 2310 ext. 2119
Fax: (+98-21) 22290648

IPM Positions |
Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2020 - 2020 (from March 20, till September 21, 2020)) |
Past IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2017 - 2020) (from March 20, 2017 till March 19, 2020 ) Non Resident Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics (2016 - 2017) (From September 23, 2016 till March 20, 2017 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini and P. Prihoda) Covering classes and uniserial modules J. Algebra (Accepted) [abstract] |
2. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini) Strongly flat modules and right noetherian chain domains Contemp. Math. 751 (2020), DOI: 10.1090/conm/751/15087 [abstract] |
3. | Z. Nazemian (JJoint with A. Facchini) Covering classes, strongly flat modules, and completions Math. Z. (Accepted) [abstract] |
4. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with B. Davvaz) Chain conditions on commutative monoids Semigroup Forum (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s00233-019-10032-1 [abstract] |
5. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini) On isonoetherian and isoartinian modules Contemp. Math. (2019), DOI: 10.1090/conm/730/14707 [abstract] |
6. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with B. Davvaz and A. K. Srivastava) V-rings versus Σ-V rings J. Algebra Appl. (2019), DOI: 10.1142/S0219498819500324 [abstract] |
7. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini) Equivalence of some homological conditions for ring epimorphisms J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2018.06.013 [abstract] |
8. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini) Serial factorizations of right ideals J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2018.02.030 [abstract] |
9. | Z. Nazemian (Joint with A. Facchini) Artinian dimension and isoradical of modules J. Algebra (Accepted) [abstract] |