“Zahra Torbatian (Senior Postdoc)”

Tel:  021-22825050
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Nano Science
(2019 - 2024 )

Research Interests

Computational physics,Density Functional Theory, Plasmonic physics of 2D materials

Related Papers

1. C-L . Zhou, Z. Torbatian, S-H . Yang, Y.. Zhang, H-L . Yi, M. Antezza, D. Novko and C-W . Qiu
Unconventional thermophotonic charge density wave
Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted) [abstract]
2. Z. Torbatian and D. Novko
Plasmon excitations across the charge-density-wave transition in single layer TiSe$_2$
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (2024), 6045-6050  [abstract]
3. CL. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Z. Torbatian, D. Novko, M. Antezza and HL. Yi
Photon tunneling reconstitution in black phosphorus/hBN heterostructure
(2022),   [abstract]
4. D. Novko, Z. Torbatian and I. Loncar
Electron correlations rule phonon-driven instability in single layer TiSe2
Phys. Rev. B (2022),   [abstract]
5. CL. Zhou, Z. Torbatian, XH. Wu, Y. Zhang, HL. Yi and D. Novko
Tunable Near-Field Radiative Effect in a Td-WTe2 Single Layer
Phys. Rev. Applied (2022),   [abstract]
6. G. Jia, R. Zhang, T . Tang, Q. Li, A. Ebrahimian, Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari
Spin Hall effect of transmitted light through a-Li$_3$N-type topological semimetals
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), 1877-1884  [abstract]
7. Z. Torbatian, D. Novko and R. Asgari
Hyperbolic plasmon modes in tilted Dirac cone phases of borophene
Phys. Rev. B 104 (2021), 075432  [abstract]
8. Z. Torbatian, D. Novko and R. Asgari
Tunable and low-loss hyperbolic plasmon polaritons in Td -WTe2 single layer
Phys. Rev. Applied 14 (2020), 044014  [abstract]
9. S. Izadi, Z. Torbatian, A. Qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari
Strain and electric-field control of spin-spin interactions in monolayer CrI3
Phys. Rev. Materials 4 (2020), 094004  [abstract]
10. Z. Torbatian, M. Alidoosti, D. Novko and R. Asgari
Low-loss two-dimensional plasmon modes in antimonene
Phys. Rev. B 101 (2020), 205412  [abstract]
11. Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari
Optical absorption properties of few-layer phosphorene
Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018), 205407  [abstract]
12. Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari
Plasmonic physics of 2D crystalline materials
App. Science (invited paper) 8 (2018), 238  [abstract]
13. Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari
Plasmon modes of bilayer molybdenum disulfide: A density functional study
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 29 (2017), 465701  [abstract]
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