“Mohammad Akhshik”

IPM Positions

Research Assistant , School of Astronomy
(2014 - 2016 )

Non IPM Affiliations

PhD Student of Sharif University of Technology

Research Interests

Inflationary Cosmology, High Energy Physics

Related Papers

1. A A. Abolhasani, M. Akhshik, R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi
Primordial Statistical Anisotropies: The Effective Field Theory Approach
JCAP (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2015/22
2. M. Akhshik, H. Firouzjahi and S. Jazayeri
Cosmological Perturbations and the Weinberg Theorem
JCAP 2015 (2015),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2015/23
3. M. Akhshik, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang
Statistical Anisotropies in Gravitational Waves in Solid Inflation
JCAP (Accepted) [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2014/15
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