“Mohammad-Reza Abolghasemi-Dehaqani”
IPM Positions |
Part-time Faculty, School of Cognitive Sciences
Member, Scientific Council, School of Cognitive Sciences (2018 - Present (Assistant Professor at University of Tehran)) |
Past IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2014 - 2018) Ph.D. Student, School of Cognitive Sciences (2009 - 2014) |
Research Interests |
Object recognition and categorization Neural mechanisms of attention and decision making Autism and neurodevelopmental disorder Brain machine interface |
Related Papers |
1. | A. Fadaei and MR. A.Dehaqani Going beyond still images to improve input variance resilience in multi-stream vision understanding models Scientific Reports 14 (2024), [abstract] |
2. | R. Toosi, B. Karami, R. Koushki, F. Shakerian, J. Noroozi, E. Rezayat, A-H. Vahabie, MA. Akhaee and MR. A.Dehaqani The Spatial Frequency Representation Predicts Category Coding in the Inferior Temporal Cortex eLife (2024), [abstract] |
3. | L. Rezayat, MH. Ghajar, A. Naji, J. Noroozi, MR. A.Dehaqani and E. Rezayat A low-cost protocol for reconditioning of deep-brain neural microelectrodes with material failure for electrophysiology recording Biomedical Phys. & Engineering Express (2024), 10 [abstract] |
4. | S. Rezghi Shirsavar, A-H. Vahabie and MR. A Dehaqani Models developed for spiking neural networks MethodsX 10 (2023), 102157 [abstract] |
5. | E. Rezayat, H. Heidari-Gorji, P. Narimani, F. Shayahfar, J. Noroozi, E. Shahbazi, A. Ertiaei and MR. A.Dehaqani A multimodal imaging-guided software for access to primate brains Heliyon 9 (2023), e12675 [abstract] |
6. | MR. A.Dehqani, N. Emadi, A-H. Vahabie, A. Zandvakili and H. Esteky Neural signature of the perceptual decision in the neural population responses of the inferior temporal cortex Scientific Reports 12 (2022), 8628 [abstract] |
7. | R. Toosi, MA. Akhaee and MR. A.Dehaqani Brain-inspired feedback for spatial frequency aware artificial networks IEEE Xplore( In: 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,Oct. 30 - Nov 02, 2022, United States) [abstract] |
8. | E. Rezayat, K. Clark, MR. A.Dehaqani and B. Noudoust Dependence of Working Memory on Coordinated Activity Across Brain Areas Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (2022), [abstract] |
9. | R. Toosi, M.A. Akhaee and MR. A.Dehaqani An automatic spike sorting algorithm based on adaptive spike detection and a mixture of skew-t distributions Scientific Reports 11 (2021), 13925 [abstract] |
10. | E. Rrzayat, MR. A.Dehaqani, K. Clark, Z. Bahmani, T. Moore and B. Noudoost Frontotemporal coordination predicts working memory performance and its local neural signatures Nature Communications 12 (2021), [abstract] |
11. | R. Toosi, MA. Akhaee and MR. A.Dehaqani An Adaptive Detection for Automatic Spike Sorting Based on Mixture of Skew-t distributions Scientific Reports 11 (2021), [abstract] |
12. | MR. A.Dehaghani, A-H. Vahabie, MB. Parsa, B. Noudoost and AR. Soltani Selective Changes in Noise Correlations Contribute to an Enhanced Representation of Saccadic Targets in Prefrontal Neuronal Ensembles Cerebral Cortex (2018), 1-18 [abstract] |
13. | M. Curry, A. Zimmermann, M. Parsa, MR. A.Dehaqani, K. Clark and B. Noudoost A Cage-Based Training System for Non-Human Primates Aims Press 4 (2018), 102-119 [abstract] |
14. | A-H. Vahabie, MR. A.Dehaqani, M. Nili, B. Araabi and H. Esteky Rapid face adaptation distributes representation in inferior-temporal cortex across time and neuronal dimensions Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 1-13 [abstract] |
15. | MR. A.Dehaqani, M.A. Zarei, A-H. Vahabie and H. Esteky Selective impairment of perceptual closure in autism ( In: Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Florida, 2016.) [abstract] |
16. | S. Salehi, MR. A.Dehaqani and H. Esteky Enhansive and suppressive face neurons form two distinct physiological networks for course and fine face representations in inferotemopral cortex ( In: Program No. 530.09 / WW22, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, 2016.) [abstract] |
17. | M. Parsa, MR. A.Dehaqani, B. Mumey, C. Stengel and B. Noudoost A high-throughput system to characterize functional connectivity between cortical areas ( In: Program No. 561.05 / NNN45, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, 2016.) [abstract] |
18. | M.D. Curry, M. Parsa, A. Cilker, L. Violetti, MR. A. Dehaqani and B. Noudoost Optimizing cage-based training for non-human primates ( In: Program No. 97.18 / LLL38, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, 2016.) [abstract] |
19. | MR. A.Dehaqani, A-H. Vahabie, B. Noudoost and A. Soltani Complementary contributions of high-dimensional representation and noise correlation to cognitive processes ( In: Program No. 81.05 / DDD10, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego ) [abstract] |
20. | MR. A.Dehaqani, M.A. Zarei, A-H. Vahabie and H. Esteky Impairment of perceptual closure in autism for vertex-but not edge-defined object images Journal of Vision 16 (2016), 10-10 [abstract] |
21. | MR. A.Dehaqani, A-H. Vahabie, R. Kiani, M. Ahmadabadi, B. Araabi and H. Esteky Temporal dynamics of visual category representation in the macaque inferior temporal cortex Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (2016), 587-601 [abstract] |
22. | A-H. Vahabie , MR. A.Dehaqani, C. Sun, B. Noudoost and A. Soltani Contributions of Frontal Eye Field Spiking Activity and Synchrony to Control of Eye Movements ( In: Society for Neuroscience, 2014.) [abstract] |
23. | M. Faranoush, M. Torabi-Nami, A. Mehrvar, A. HedayatiAsl, M. Tashvighi, R. Ravan Parsa, M. Fazeli, B. Sobuti, N. Mehrvar, A. Jafarpour, R. Zangooei, M. Alebouyeh, MR. A.Dehaqani, A-H. Vahabie and P. Vossough Classifying Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors through near Optimal Feature Selection and Mutual Information: A Single Center Cohort Middle East Journal of Cancer 4 (2013), 153-162 [abstract] |
24. | H. Jamalabadi, H. Nasrollahi, M.N. Ahmadabadi, B.N. Araabi, A-H. Vahabie and MR. A.Dehaqani A dynamic bio-inspired model of categorization. In International Conference on Neural Information Processing ( In: In International Conference on Neural Information Processing (pp. 160-167). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (2012, November)) [abstract] |
25. | E. Safavieh, A. Gheibi, MR. A.Dehaqani and A. Mohades Particle swarm optimization with Voronoi neighborhood ( In: In Computer Conference, 2009. CSICC 2009. 14th International CSI. IEEE.) [abstract] |