“Amin Farhang”
Tel: 021-2310-5067

IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Astronomy
(2010 - 2022 ) Faculty Member , School of Astronomy (2022 - Present) |
Research Interests |
Observational Cosmology Interstellar medium (ISM) group of galaxies | ||
Related Papers |
1. | A. Ebenbichler, J.V. Smoker, R. Lallement, A. Farhang, N.LJ. Cox, C. Joblin, J.Th. Van Loon, H. Linnartz, N. Przybilla, P. Ehrenfreund, J. Cami and M. Cordiner The EDIBLES Survey. VIII. Band profile alignment of diffuse interstellar bands (2024), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/14 |
2. | A. Ebenbichler, J.V. Smoker, R. Lallement, A. Farhang, N.L.J. Cox, C. Joblin, J.Th. Van Loon, H. Linnartz, N. Przybilla, P. Ehrenfreund, J. Cami and M. Cordiner The EDIBLES Survey. VIII. Band profile alignment of diffuse interstellar bands Astronomy & Astrophysics 686 (2024), 53 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/13 |
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4. | H. Fan, C. M. R. Rocha, M. Cordiner, H. Linnartz, N. L. J. Cox, A. Farhang, J. Smoker, E. Roueff, P. Ehrenfreund, F. Salama, B. H. Foing, R. Lallement, H. MacIsaac, K. Kulik, P. Sarre, J. Th. van Loon and J. Cami The EDIBLES survey VII. A survey of C2 and C3 in interstellar clouds Astronomy & Astrophysics 681 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/29 |
5. | J. V. Smoker, A. Müller, A. Monreal Ibero, M. Elyajouri, C. J. Evans, F. Najarro, A. Farhang, N. L. J. Cox, J. Minniti, K. T. Smith, J. Pritchard, R. Lallement, A. Smette, H. M. J. Boffin, M. Cordiner and J. Cami A high-resolution study of near-IR diffuse interstellar bands, search for small-scale structure, time variability, and stellar features Astronomy & Astrophysics 672 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/28 |
6. | A. Farhang, J. Smoker, N. L. J. Cox, J. Cami, H. Linnartz, J. Th. van Loon, M. A. Cordiner, P. J. Sarre, H. G. Khosroshahi, P. Ehrenfreund, B. H. Foing, L. Kaper and M. Laverick The EDIBLES survey. VI. Searching for time variations of interstellar absorption features Astronomy & Astrophysics 678 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/06 |
7. | H. Fan, M. Schwartz, A. Farhang, N. L. J. Cox, P. Ehrenfreund, A. Monreal-Ibero, B. H. Foing, F. Salama, K. Kulik, H. MacIsaac, J. Th. van Loon and J. Cami Families and clusters of diffuse interstellar bands: a data-driven correlation analysis MNRAS 510 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/41 |
8. | H. MacIsaac, J. Cami, L.J. Cox, A. Farhang, J. Smoker, M. Elyajouri, R. Lallement, P J. Sarre, M A. Cordiner, H. Fan, K. Kulik, H. Linnartz, B H. Foing, JTh. van Loon, G. Mulas and K T. Smith The EDIBLES survey V. Line profile variations in the lambda lambda 5797, 6379, and 6614 diffuse interstellar bands as a tool to constrain carrier sizes Astronomy & Astrophysics 662 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/44 |
9. | M.H. Zhoolideh Haghighi, M. Raouf, H.G. Khosroshahi, A. Farhang and G. Gozaliasl On the Reliability of Photometric and Spectroscopic Tracers of Halo Relaxation Astronomical Journal 904 (2020), 9 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/27 |
10. | A. Farhang, J. Th. van Loon, H. G. Khosroshahi, A. Javadi and M. Bailey A three-dimensional map of the hot Local Bubble using diffuse interstellar bands Nature (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/11 |
11. | G. A. Wade, J. V. Smoker, C. J. Evans, I. D. Howarth, R. Barba, N. L. J. Cox, N. Morrell, Y. Nazé, J. Cami, A. Farhang, N. R. Walborn, J. Arias and R. Gamen A remarkable change of the spectrum of the magnetic Of?p star HD148937 reveals evidence of an eccentric, high-mass binary MNRAS 483 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/45 |
12. | X L. . Bacalla, H. Linnartz, N. L. J. . Cox, J. Cami, E. Roueff, J. V. . Smoker, A. Farhang, J. Bouwman and D. Zhao The EDIBLES survey IV. Cosmic ray ionization rates in diffuse clouds from near-ultraviolet observations of interstellar OH+ Astronomy & Astrophysics 622 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/44 |
13. | M. . Elyajouri, R. . Lallement, N. L. J. . Cox, J. . Cami, M. A. . Cordiner, J. V. . Smoker, A. . Fahrang, P. J. . Sarre and H. . Linnartz The EDIBLES survey III. C-2-DIBs and their profiles Astronomy & Astrophysics 616 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/40 |
14. | R. . Lallement, N.L.J. . Cox, J. . Cami, J. . Smoker, A. . Fahrang, M. . Elyajouri, M.A. . Cordiner, H. . Linnartz, K.T. . Smith, P. . Ehrenfreund and B. . Foing The EDIBLES survey II. The detectability of C60+ bands Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/39 |
15. | N. L. J. Cox, J. Cami, A. Farhang, J. Smoker, A. Monreal-Ibero, R. Lallement, P. J. Sarre, C. C. M. Marshall, K. T. Smith, C. J. Evans, P. Royer, H. Linnartz, M. A. Cordiner, C. Joblin, J. Th. van Loon, B. H. Foing, N. H. Bhatt, E. Bron, M. Elyajouri, A. de Koter, P. Ehrenfreund, A. Javadi, L. Kaper, H. G. Khosroshahi, M. Laverick, F. Le Peti, G. Mulas, E. Roueff, F. Salama and M. Spaans The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey Astronomy & Astrophysics 606 (2017), 29 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/38 |
16. | A. Farhang, H. G. Khosroshahi, G. A. Mamon, A.A. Dariush and M. Raouf EVOLUTION OF COMPACT AND FOSSIL GROUPS OF GALAXIES FROM SEMI-ANALYTICAL MODELS OF GALAXY FORMATION Astrophysical Journal 840 (2017), 11 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/08 |
17. | M. bailey, J. Th. van Loon, A. Farhang, A. Javadi, H.G. Khosroshahi, P. J.Sarre and K. T.Smith Probing the Local Bubble with Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) Astronomy & Astrophysics 585 (2016), 12 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/26 |
18. | M. Bailey, J. Th. van Loon, A. Farhang, A. Javadi, H.G. Khosroshahi,, Peter J. Sarre and Keith T. Smith Probing the Local Bubble with diffuse interstellar bands. I. Project overview and southern hemisphere survey Astronomy & Astrophysics 585 (2015), 12 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/40 |
19. | M. Bailey, J. Th. van Loon, A. Farhang, A. Javadi, H.G. Khosroshahi, P. J. Sarre and K. T. Smith VizieR Online Data Catalog: Nearby early-type stars spectroscopic survey (Bailey+, 2016 Astronomy & Astrophysics (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/38 |
20. | J.Th. van Loon, , M. Bailey, A. Farhang, A. Javadi and H.G. Khosroshahi Probing the diffuse interstellar medium with diffuse interstellar bands IAU (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/31 |
21. | A. Farhang, H.G.. Khosroshahi, A. Javadi and Jacco .th .. van Loon Probing the Local Bubble with Diffuse Interstellar Bands. III. The Northern Hemisphere Data and Catalog Astrophysical Journal 216 (2015), 3 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/27 |
22. | A. Farhang, H.G. Khosroshahi, A. Javadi, J.Th. Van Loon, M. Bailey, A. Molaeinezhad, S. Tavasoli, F. Habibi, E. Kourkchi, S. Rezaei, M. saberi and L. Hardy Probing the Local Bubble with Diffuse Interstellar Bands. II. The DIB Properties in the Northern Hemisphere Astrophysical Journal 800 (2015), 16 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/06 |
23. | A. Farhang, H.G. Khosroshahi, A. Javadi and J.Th. Van Loon VizieR Online Data Catalog: Probing the Local Bubble with DIBs. III. ApJS 221 (2015), 53 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/05 |