“Meghdad Ghari”


IPM Positions

Non Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics - Isfahan Branch
(2024 - Present
(from March 20, 2024 in Isfahan branch))

Past IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics
(2017 - 2024)
(from March 20, 2017 till March 19, 2024 in Isfahan branch )
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2012 - 2017)
(From September 22, 2012 till June 21, 2017 )

Non IPM Affiliations

Assistant Professor of University of Isfahan

Research Interests

Justification logics, Modal logics, Epistemic logics, Structural proof theory.

Related Papers

1. M. Ghari
Tableaux and interpolation for propositional justification logics
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 65 (2024), 81-112  [abstract]
2. M. Ghari
A formalization of the Protagoras court paradox in a temporal logic of epistemic and normative reasons
Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2024), 325-367  [abstract]
3. M. Ghari (Joint with F. Majlesi)
An extension of the logic of proofs with actions (In Persian)
Logical Studies 14 (2023), 127-145  [abstract]
4. A. Farahmand Parsa and M. Ghari
On Boolean algebraic structure of proofs: Towards an algebraic semantics for the Logic of proofs
Studia Logica 111 (2023), 573-613  [abstract]
5. M. Ghari
Linear temporal justifiCation logics with past and future time modalities
Log. J. IGPL 31 (2023), 1-38  [abstract]
6. M. Ghari (Joint with F. L. G. Faroldi, E. Lehmann and Th. Studer)
Consistency and permission in deontic justification logic
J. Logic Comput. (Accepted) [abstract]
7. M. Ghari
A note on fixed points in quantified logic of proofs and the surprise test paradox (In Persian)
Logical Studies 12 (2021), 129-153  [abstract]
8. M. Ghari (Joint with A. Kalantari)
On the explanation role of truth norm in the theory of normative belief via deontic logic: A new evidence for wide norm (In Persian)
Wisdom and Philosophy (Accepted) [abstract]
9. M. Ghari (Joint with A. Kalantari)
On Shackel' s criticisms against the normativity of belief: a new evidence for truth and knowledge norms of belief (In Persian)
Journal of Recognition 13 (2021), 153-180  [abstract]
10. M. Ghari (Joint with F. L. G. Faroldi, E. Lehmann, and Th. Studer)
Impossible and conflicting obligations in justification logic
( In: Deontoc Logic and Normative Systems)
11. M. Ghari (Joint with R. Ebrahimpour Esfahani)
Tense forms of Moore's paradox (In Persian)
Logical Studies 10 (2019), 1-32  [abstract]
12. M. Ghari (Joint with E. Makovicky)
Neither simple nor perfect: From defect symmetries to conscious pattern variations in Islamic oriental art
Symmetry: Culture and Science 29 (2018), 279-301  [abstract]
13. M. Ghari (Joint with S. Bucheli and T. Studer)
Temporal Justification Logic
( In: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science)
14. M. Ghari
Labeled sequent calculusfor justification logics
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 168 (2017), 72-111  [abstract]
15. M. Ghari
Pavelka-style fuzzy justification logics
Log. J. IGPL 24 (2016), 743-773  [abstract]
16. M. Ghari
Distributed knowledge justification logics
Theory Comput. Syst. 55 (2014), 1-40  [abstract]
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