“Moslem Zarei”
Tel: +98 21 22280691
Fax: +98 21 22280415

IPM Positions |
Resident Researcher, School of Astronomy
(2012 - 2019 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | M. Zarei, S. Shakeri, M. Sharifian, M. Abdi, D J. E. Marsh and S. Matarrese Probing virtual axion-like particles by precision phase measurements JCAP 2022 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/42 |
2. | N. Bartolo, A. Hoseinpour, G. Orlando, S. Matarrese and M. Zarei Photon-graviton scattering: A new way to detect anisotropic gravitational waves? Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/36 |
3. | M. Zarei, H. Firouzjahi and Sh. Mukohyama Vector disformal transformation of cosmological perturbations Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/36 |
4. | M. Eshaghi, M. Zarei, N. Riazi and A. Kiasatpour CMB and reheating constraints to ñ-attractor inflationary models Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2016/17 |
5. | M. Zarei On the running of the spectral index to all orders: a new approach to constrain the inflationary models Classical Quant. Grav. 33 (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/60 |
6. | M. Zarei Dipole Modulation in Tensor Modes: Signatures in CMB Polarization Springer (2015), 11 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/59 |
7. | R. Mohammadi and M. zarei Generation of CMB B-mode Polarization from Circular Polarization arXiv (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/12 |
8. | M. Eshaghi, M. Zarei, N. Riazi and A. Kiasatpour Inflation with Fractional Potential: A Comprehensive Study arXiv (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/11 |
9. | A. Maleknejad and M. Zarei Slow-roll trajectories in Chromo-Natural and Gauge-flation Models, an exhaustive analysis (Preprint) [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2012/052 |