“Mohammad Moosavi Nejad”

Tel:  +98 21 22809150
Fax:  +98 21 22809148

IPM Positions

Non Resident Researcher, School of Particles and Accelerator
(2009 - Present )

Related Papers

1. P. Sartipi Yarahmadi and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
NLO corrections to the B-hadron energy distribution of heavy charged Higgs boson decay in the general-mass-variable-flavor-number scheme
Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-751
2. N. Amiri, S. M. Moosavi Nejad, A. Armat and M. Mansour Farhadi
An analytical approach to the mass spectrum of heavy tetraquarks in dimeson model
Eur. Phys. J. plus 137 (2022),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-736
3. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Delpasand
The effect of Fermi motion on the NLO fragmentation functions of heavy mesons
The European Physical Journal A 58 (2022),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-735
4. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and N. Amiri
Ground state heavy tetraquark production in heavy quark fragmentation
Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: arXiv:2110.15251 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-734
5. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and O. Bayat
Fragmentation function of pseudoscalar heavy quarkonia in the ordinary and noncommutative SM
Eur. Phys. J. plus 136 (2021),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-715
6. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and P. Sartipi
Probing heavy charged Higgs bosons through bottom �?avored hadrons in the H^+->bt->BX channel in 2HDM
Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-680
7. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Scattering of electrons and positrons from argon and krypton in the GUP framework
Indian J. Phys (2021),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-679
8. M. Salajegheh, M. Moosavi Nejad and S. Atashbar Tehrani
Improved Determination of Strange Distribution Function from the Global Analysis Using BHPS Model
Few-Body systems 62 (2021),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: 2103.13776 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-677
9. Bernd A. Kniehl and S. Mohammad . Moosavi Nejad
Angular analysis of bottom-flavored hadron production in semileptonic decays of polarized top quarks
Phys. Rev. D (2021),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-667
10. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Study of bottom and charmed baryons in quark-diquark model
The European Physical Journal A 56 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-651
11. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Torkian and M. Delpasand
NLO QCD corrections to heavy baryon fragmentation functions through quark-diquark model
Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-643
12. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Determination of the mass and the energy spectra of heavy pentaquarks in the diquark model
Few-Body systems 61 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-642
13. M. Delpasand, M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Soleymaninia
Λ +c fragmentation functions from pQCD approach and the Suzuki model
Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-631
14. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Salajegheh, A. Mirjalili and S. Atashbar Tehrani
QCD analysis of non-singlet structure functions at NNLO accuracy, based on the Laplace transform
Eur. Phys. J. plus 135 (2020), 24  [abstract]
arXive.org link: 1904.03439 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-624
15. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Roknabady and M. Delpasand
NLO QCD corrections to gluon fragmentation function into ηb and ηc based on the Suzuki's model
Nucl. Phys. B 956 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-619
16. M. Delpasand and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
$\Omega_{ccc}$ baryon production from gluon in vector diquark fragmentation
Eur. Phys. J. A 56 (2020),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-610
17. M. Salajegheh, S. M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Delpasand
Determination of D_s^+ meson fragmentation functions through two different approaches
Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-606
18. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, and A. Armat
Determination of hyperon properties through the variational method considering the hyperfine interaction
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 28 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-605
19. M. Salajegheh, S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Soleymaninia, H. Khanpour and S. Atashbar Tehrani
NNLO charmed-meson fragmentation functions and theiruncertainties in the presence of meson mass corrections
Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: arXiv:1904.09832 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-604
20. M. Salajegheh, S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Soleymaninia, H. Khanpour and S. Atashbar Tehrani
NNLO charmed-meson fragmentation functions and their uncertainties in the presence of meson mass corrections
Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: 1904.09832 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-595
21. M. Delpasand and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Gluon fragmentation into triply heavy baryons considering two various scenarios
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-551
22. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Analytical solution for magnetic moments of -hypernuclei in a relativistic approach
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 28 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-550
23. M. Salajegheh, S. M. Moosavi Nejad, H. Khanpour, . A. Kniehl and M. Soleymaninia
B-hadron fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order from global analysis of e+e annihilation data
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: arXiv:1904.08718 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-549
24. A. Armat and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Ground state binding energies and RMS radii of in hypernuclei in the presence of spin-dependent potential
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 28 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-548
25. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, S. Abbaspour and R. Farashahian
Interference effects for the top quark decays tb+W+/H+(→τ+ντ)
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019),   [abstract]
Code: 547
26. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Fragmentation production of ground state spin-1/2 heavy baryons including the Fermi motion of constituents
Eur. Phys. J. plus 133: 534 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-520
27. A. Armat and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Scattering state in GUP by Milnes differential equation
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-519
28. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and E. Tajik
Heavy quark fragmentation function in the noncommutative Standard Model
Eur. Phys. J. A 54, 174 (2018),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: 10.1140/epja/i2018-12605-4 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-509
29. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Direct fragmentation of _c(1S) and _b(1S) considering the transverse momentum effect of constituents
Eur. Phys. J. A 54 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-505
30. S. Abbaspour, S . M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Balali
Indirect search for light charged Higgs bosons through the dominant semileptonic decays of top quark t-b(-B/D+X)+H+(-t+νt)
Nucl. Phys. B 932 (2018), 505-528  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-504
31. S. M. Zakeri, S . M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Zakeri and S. Y. Ayazi
A minimal model for two-component FIMP dark matter: a basic search
Chinese Physics C 42 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-503
32. S. Abbaspour and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Charged Higgs production from polarized top-quark decay in the 2HDM considering the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme
Nucl. Phys. B 930 (2018), 270-286  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-496
33. S. M. Moosavi Nejad
The impact of Fermi motion on the heavy quarkonia fragmentation using the light-cone wave function
Eur. Phys. J. plus 133 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-495
34. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and . Armat
Relativistic excited state binding energies and RMS radii of -hypernuclei
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 33 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-494
35. M. Salajegheh, S. M. Moosavi Nejad, H. Khanpour and S. Atashbar Tehrani
Analytical approaches to the determination of spin-dependent parton distribution functions at NNLO approximation
Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018),   [abstract]
arXive.org link: arXiv:1801.04471 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-491
36. M. Soleymaninia, H. Khanpour and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
First determination of D*+-meson fragmentation functions and their uncertainties at next-to-next-to-leading order
Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-488
37. M. Salajegheh, H. Khanpour and S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Improved determination of d(x)−u(x) flavor asymmetry in the proton by data from the BONuS experiment at JLAB and using an approach by Brodsky, Hoyer, Peterson, and Sakai
Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-490
38. S. M. Moosavi Nejad
NLO QCD corrections to triply heavy baryon fragmentation function considering the effect of nonperturbative dynamics of baryon bound states
Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-489
39. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Delpasand
Polarized heavy baryon production in quark-diquark model considering two different scenarios
Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-480
40. M. Moosavi Nejad and S. Abbaspour
Next-to-leading order corrections to the spin-dependent energy spectrum of hadrons from polarized top quark decay in the general two Higgs doublet model
Nucl. Phys. B 921 (2017), 86-103  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-468
41. S.M. Moosavi Nejad and S. Abbaspour
QCD analysis of light charged Higgs production through polarized top quark decay in two different frames
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 51. (2017),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-458
42. S.M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Soleymaninia and A. N. Khorramian
Global analysis of fragmentation functions and their application to polarized top quark decays considering new BABAR and Belle experimental data
Canadian J. Physics 10.1139 (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-453
43. S.M. Moosavi Nejad and P. Sartipi Yarahmadi
Heavy-quark fragmentation functions at next-to-leading perturbative QCD
Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-446
44. S.M. Moosavi Nejad, M. Soleymaninia and A. Maktoubian
Proton fragmentation functions considering finite-mass corrections
Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-445
45. . Moosavi Nejad, H. Khanpour, S. Atashbar Tehrani and . Mahdavi
QCD analysis of nucleon structure functions in deep-inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering: Laplace transform and Jacobi polynomials approach
Phys. Rev. C 94 (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-443
46. S.M. Moosavi Nejad
The effect of meson wave function on heavy quark fragmentation function
Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-432
47. S.M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Balali
Hadron energy spectrum in polarized top-quark decays considering the effects of hadron and bottom quark masses
Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016), 173  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-427
48. S.M. Moosavi Nejad
Spin-dependent energy distribution of B-hadrons from polarized top decays considering the azimuthal correlation rate
Nucl. Phys. B 905 (2016), 217-230  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-425
49. S.M. Moosavi Nejad
Gluon perturbative QCD fragmentation function considering the effects of heavy quarkonium mass
( In: The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 22-29 July 2015 Vienna, Austria)
Code: IPM/P.A-424
50. S.M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Delpasand
Spin-dependent fragmentation functions of gluon splitting into heavy quarkonia considering three different scenarios
Modern Physics A 30 (2015),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-411
51. S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Fragmentation functions of g→ ηc (1S0) and gJ/ψ(3S1) considering the role of heavy quarkonium spin
Eur. Phys. J. plus 130 (2015),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-401
52. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and M. Balali
Angular analysis of polarized top quark decay into B mesons in two different helicity systems
Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-389
53. M. Soleymaninia, A.N. Khorramian, M. Moosavi Nejad and F. Arbabifar
The Role of Hadronization Processes in Determination of Fragmentation Functions
( In: Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol.7, 573 (2014))
Code: IPM/P.A-350
54. F. Abdolghafari, S. Taheri Monfared and M. Mossavi Nejad
The study of the different scaling variables on target mass corrected polarized structrue functions
( In: XV Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN, Dubna, October 8-12, 2013) )
Code: IPM/P.A-341
55. M. Soleymaninia, A.N. Khorramian, S. M. Moosavinejad and F. Arbabifar
QCD Analysis of Fragmentation Functions Considering Double Spin Asymmetry of SIDIS Processes
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 45 (2014), 46-48  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-331
56. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Calculation of B-meson fragmentation function considering the effect of meson mass
Iranian Journal of Physics 13 (2013), 141-148  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-327
57. S. M. Moosavi Nejad
Energy spectrum of bottom- and charmed-flavored mesons from polarized top quark decay tuparrowrightarrow W+ + B/D+X at Os)
Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-321
58. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat
Heavy quark perturbative QCD fragmentation functions in the presence of hadron mass
Eur. Phys. J. plus 128 (2013),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-320
59. M. Soleymaninia, A.N. Khorramian, S. M. Moosavinejad and F. Arbabifar
Determination of pion and kaon fragmentation functions including spin asymmetries data in a global analysis
Phys. Rev. D 88,054019 (2013), 1-19  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-299
60. M. Soleymaninia, A. N. Khorramian and M. Moosavi Nejad
Extraction of Pion Non-Perturbative Fragmentation Functions In ZM-VFNS
AIP CONF PROC (2012), 67-70  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-287
61. A. Dehghan Nezhad , S.M. Moosavi Nejad , M. Nadjafikhah and B. Davvaz
A physical example of algebraic hyperstructures: Leptons
Indian J. Phys 86 (2012), 1027-1032  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-286
62. S.M. Moosavi Nejad
O(αs) corrections to the B-hadron energy distribution of the top decay in the general two Higgs doublet model considering GM-VFN scheme
Eur. Phys. J. C 72 (2012),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-233
63. B. Kniehl, G. Kramer and S.M. Moosavi Nejad
Bottom-flavored hadrons from top-quark decay at next-to-leading order in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme
Nucl. Phys. B 862 (2012), 720-736  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-221
64. S. M. Moosavi Nejad, M.. Eslami Kalantari and A.. Dehghan Nezhad
Extension of algebraic hyperstructures theory to the elementary particle physics and nuclear physics
Iranian Journal of Physics 11 (2012), 429-434   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-220
65. S. M. Moosavi Nejad
B mesons from top-quark decay in the presence of the charged Higgs boson in the Zero-mass variable-flavor-number Scheme
Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012), 054010  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-217
66. M. Soleymaninia, A.N. Khorramian and M. Moosavi nejad
Pion fragmentation functions from e+e- production
Journal of Physics Conference Series (2012),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-205
67. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A.N. Khorramian
The effect of Hadron mass on the energy distribution function of Hadron
Iranian Journal of Physics 11 (2011), 63-68   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P.A-221
68. S‎. ‎M‎. Moosavi Nejad, B‎. ‎A. Kniehl and G. Kramer
Helicity contributions of W+-Boson in energy distribution of B-hadron in Top quark decay
( In: The Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday,2010 )
Code: IPM/P.A-219
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