“Nima Abedpour”
Tel: +21 22280692
Fax: +21 22280415
IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Physics
(2010 - 2011 ) |
Research Interests |
Complex Systems | ||
Related Papers |
1. | A. Vaezi, N. Abedpour, R. Asgari, A. Cortijo and M. A. H.. Vozmediano Topological Electric Current from Time-Dependent Elastic Deformations in Graphene Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013), 125406 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2013/016 |
2. | A. Vaezi, N. Abedpour and R. Asgari Quantum Hall Effect in Honeycomb Lattice Under Strain (Preprint) [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2012/019 |
3. | N. Abedpour, R. Asgari and F. Guinea Strains and Pseudomagnetic Fields in Circular Graphene Rings Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011), 115437 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2011/014 |
4. | H. Hatami, N. Abedpour, A. qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari Conductance of a Bilayer Graphene in The Presence of a Magnetic Field: Effect of Disorder Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011), 125433 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2009/053 |
5. | M. Neek-Amal, N. Abedpour, S.N. Rasuli, A. Naji and M.R. Ejtehadi Diffusive Motion of C60 on a Graphene Sheet Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010), 051605 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/052 |
6. | A. Sheikhan, N. Abedpour, R. Sepehrinia, M.D. Niry, M. Reza. Rahimi Tabar and M. Sahimi Anderson Localization and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through Disordered Media Waves in Random and Complex Media 20 (2010), 191-200 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/008 |
7. | N. Abedpour, R. asgari and M.R. Rahimi Tabar Irreversibility in Response to Forces Acting on the Graphene Sheets Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010), 196804 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2009/050 |