“Nima Abedpour”

Tel:  +21 22280692
Fax:  +21 22280415

IPM Positions

PostDoctoral Associate, School of Physics
(2010 - 2011 )

Research Interests

Complex Systems

Related Papers

1. A. Vaezi, N. Abedpour, R. Asgari, A. Cortijo and M. A. H.. Vozmediano
Topological Electric Current from Time-Dependent Elastic Deformations in Graphene
Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013), 125406  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2013/016
2. A. Vaezi, N. Abedpour and R. Asgari
Quantum Hall Effect in Honeycomb Lattice Under Strain
 (Preprint) [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2012/019
3. N. Abedpour, R. Asgari and F. Guinea
Strains and Pseudomagnetic Fields in Circular Graphene Rings
Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011), 115437  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2011/014
4. H. Hatami, N. Abedpour, A. qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari
Conductance of a Bilayer Graphene in The Presence of a Magnetic Field: Effect of Disorder
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011), 125433  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2009/053
5. M. Neek-Amal, N. Abedpour, S.N. Rasuli, A. Naji and M.R. Ejtehadi
Diffusive Motion of C60 on a Graphene Sheet
Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010), 051605   [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2010/052
6. A. Sheikhan, N. Abedpour, R. Sepehrinia, M.D. Niry, M. Reza. Rahimi Tabar and M. Sahimi
Anderson Localization and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through Disordered Media
Waves in Random and Complex Media 20 (2010), 191-200  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2010/008
7. N. Abedpour, R. asgari and M.R. Rahimi Tabar
Irreversibility in Response to Forces Acting on the Graphene Sheets
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010), 196804  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2009/050
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