“Seyed Akbar Jafari”

IPM Positions |
Resident Researcher, School of Physics
(2009 - 2017 ) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Assistant Professor of Sharif University of Technology | ||
Junior Associate Member, The Abdus Salam ICTP | ||
Research Interests |
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems | ||
Present Research Project at IPM |
Investigation of Strong Correlation Effects in Graphene Compounds | ||
Related Papers |
1. | E. Adibi, A.R. Habibi and S.A. Jafari Phase transitions in the binary-alloy Hubbard model: Insights from strong-coupling perturbation theory Phys. Rev. B 99 (2019), 014204 [abstract] arXive.org link: 1810.02505 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2018/088 Note: Published 7 January 2019 |
2. | A.R. Habibi, E. Adibi and S.A. Jafari Strong-coupling perturbative study of the disordered Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018), 245105 [abstract] arXive.org link: 1806.07969 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2018/096 Note: Published 3 December 2018 |
3. | S.A. Jafari and F. Shahbazi Exactly solvable spin chain models corresponding to BDI class of topological superconductors Scientific Reports 6 (2016), 32720 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2016/073 |
4. | E. Adibi and S.A. Jafari Strong-coupling approach to Mott transition of massless and massive Dirac fermions on honeycomb lattice Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016), 075122 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2016/072 |
5. | M. Mashkoori and S.A. Jafari Stable local moments of vacancies, substitutional and hollow site impurities in graphene J. Physics: Condens. Matter 27 (2015), 156001 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2015/011 |
6. | Z. Jalali and S.A. Jafari Excitation spectrum of correlated Dirac fermions J. Phys.: Conf. Series 603 (2015), 012005 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2015/010 |
7. | E. Ahmadi and S.A. Jafari Intrinsic broadening of the energy levels of Dirac electrons in quantum dots J. Phys.: Conf. Series 603 (2015), 012016 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2015/009 |
8. | S.A. Jafari and T. Tohyama Kondo resonance from p-wave hybridization in graphene J. Physics: Condens. Matter 26 (2014), 415601 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2014/061 |
9. | S.A. Jafari Gapless chiral excitons in thin films of topological insulators EPL 107 (2014), 20005 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2014/060 |
10. | A. Habibi and S.A. Jafari RKKY Interaction in Heavily Vacant Graphene J. Physics: Condens. Matter 25 (2013), 375501 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2013/055 |
11. | D. Haberer, L. Petaccia, M. Farjam, S. Taioli, S.A. Jafari, A. Nefedov, W. Zhang, L. Calliari, G. Scarduelli, B. Dora, D.V. Vyalikh, T. Pichler, Ch. Woll, D. Alfe, S. Simonucci, M.S. Dresselhaus, M. Knupfer, B. Buchner and A. Gruneis Direct Observation of a Dispersionless Impurity Band in Hydrogenated Graphene Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011), 165433 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2011/037 |
12. | H. Mosadeq, F. Shahbazi and S.A. Jafari Plaquette Valence Bond Ordering in a J1-J2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Honeycomb Lattice J. Physics: Condens. Matter 23 (2011), 226006 (10pp) [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2011/036 |
13. | M. Hafez, S.A. Jafari, Sh. Adibi and F. Shahbazi Classical Analogue of the Ionic Hubbard Model Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010), 245131 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/060 |
14. | S.A. Jafari and M. Alaei Fermi Surface Nesting and Possibility of Orbital Ordering in FeO Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010), 3793-3796 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/059 |
15. | M. H. Zare, M. Amini, F. Shahbazi and S.A. Jafari Anderson Transition in Disordered Bilayer Graphene J. Physics: Condens. Matter 22 (2010), 255503 (6pp) [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/058 |
16. | H.H. Arefi, S.A. Jafari and M.R. Abolhassani Substitutional Doping of Cu in Diamond: Mott Physics with P Orbitals Eur. Phys. J. B 77 (2010), 331-336 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/057 |
17. | M. Hafez and S.A. Jafari Excitation Spectrum of One-Dimensional Extended Ionic Hubbard Model Eur. Phys. J. B 78 (2010), 323-333 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2010/056 |