“Hassan Firouzjahi”

Tel: 021-2310-5057
Fax: +98 21 22827309

IPM Positions |
Professor, School of Astronomy
(2012 - Present ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Head, School of Astronomy
(2017 - 2023) Faculty Member , School of Physics (2008 - 2012) |
Research Interests |
Early Universe Cosmology, Inflation, Cosmological Perturbation Theory, High Energy Physics | ||
Related Papers |
1. | H. Firouzjahi Loop corrections in the bispectrum in ultraslow-roll inflation with PBHs formation Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024), 043519 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/20 |
2. | H. Firouzjahi Quantum fluctuations in the interior of black holes and backreactions Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024), 025022 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/19 |
3. | H. Firouzjahi Upper Bounds on the Mass of Fundamental Fields from Primordial Universe (Preprint) [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/18 |
4. | H. Firouzjahi and H. Sheikhahmadi Vacuum zero point energy of self-interacting quantum fields in dS background Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024), 125005 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/17 |
5. | H. Firouzjahi Revisiting loop corrections in single field ultraslow-roll inflation Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024), 043514 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/16 |
6. | H. Firouzjahi and A. Riotto Primordial Black Holes and loops in single-field inflation JCAP 2024 (2024), 021 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2024/15 |
7. | K. Asadi, A. Nassiri-Rad and H. Firouzjahi Stochastic multiple fields inflation: Diffusion dominated regime Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/31 |
8. | H. Firouzjahi and A. Riotto Sign of non-Gaussianity and the primordial black holes abundance Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/30 |
9. | A. Talebian, Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori and H. Firouzjahi Inflation from Multiple Pseudo-scalar Fields: Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves Astrophysical Journal 948 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/24 |
10. | H. Firouzjahi One-loop corrections in power spectrum in single field inflation JCAP 2023 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/14 |
11. | H. Firouzjahi Loop corrections in gravitational wave spectrum in single field inflation Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/13 |
12. | H. Firouzjahi and A. Talebian Induced gravitational waves from ultra slow-roll inflation and pulsar timing arrays observations JCAP 2023 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/12 |
13. | H. Firouzjahi and H. Sheikhahmadi Vacuum Zero Point Energy and its Statistical Correlations in dS Background Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2023/05 |
14. | A. Talebian, A. Nassiri-Rad and H. Firouzjahi Primordial Helical Magnetic Fields from Inflation? Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/35 |
15. | Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori, A. Talebian, Z. Molaee and H. Firouzjahi Multifield mimetic gravity Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/36 |
16. | H. Firouzjahi and A. Talebian White Hole Cosmology and Hawking Radiation from Quantum Cosmological Perturbation Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/29 |
17. | H. Moshafi, H. Firouzjahi and A. Talebian Multiple transitions in vacuum dark energy and H0 tension Astrophysical Journal 920 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/28 |
18. | H. Firouzjahi Cosmological constant problem on the horizon Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/27 |
19. | A. Nassiri-Rad, K. Asadi and H. Firouzjahi Inflation with Stochastic Boundary Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/26 |
20. | H. Firouzjahi Cosmological constant and vacuum zero point energy in black hole backgrounds Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/14 |
21. | S. Hooshangi, A. Talebian, M H. Namjoo and H. Firouzjahi Multiple field ultraslow-roll inflation: Primordial black holes from straight bulk and distorted boundary Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2022/13 |
22. | H. Firouzjahi, M A. Gorji, Sh. Mukohyama and A. Talebian Dark matter from entropy perturbations in curved field spac Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/43 |
23. | H. Firouzjahi, M A. Gorji, Sh. Mukohyama and B. Salehian Dark photon dark matter from charged inflaton Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) (2021), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/13 |
24. | B. Salehian, M A. Gorji, H. Firouzjahi and Sh. Mukohyama Vector dark matter production from inflation with symmetry breaking Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2021/09 |
25. | Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori, A. Talebian and H. Firouzjahi Mimetic Inflation Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) (2021), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/38 |
26. | M A. Gorji, Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori and H. Firouzjahi Inflation with multiple vector fields and non-Gaussianities JCAP 2020 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/41 |
27. | A. Talebian, A. Nassiri-Rad and H. Firouzjahi Revisiting magnetogenesis during inflation Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/40 |
28. | H. Firouzjahi, A. Nassiri-Rad and M. Noorbala Stochastic nonattractor inflation Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/33 |
29. | H. Firouzjahi, A. Karami and T . Rostami Vacuum decay in the presence of a cosmic string Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/12 |
30. | M A . Gorji, A. Allahyari, M. Khodadi and H. Firouzjahi Mimetic black holes Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/08 |
31. | A. Talebian, A. Nassiri-Rad and H. Firouzjahi Stochastic effects in anisotropic inflation Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/35 |
32. | A. Allahyari, H. Firouzjahi and B. Mashhoon Quasinormal modes of generalized black holes: ô-Kerr spacetime Classical Quant. Grav. 37 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/27 |
33. | H. Firouzjahi and B. Mashhoon Twisted gravitational waves in the presence of a cosmological constant Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/29 |
34. | M. Noorbala and H. Firouzjahi Boundary crossing in stochastic inflation with a critical number of fields Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/28 |
35. | H. Firouzjahi, M A. Gorji, Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori, A. Karami and T. Rostami Charged Vector Inflation Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/18 |
36. | M A. Gorji, Sh. Mukohyama and H. Firouzjahi Cosmology in mimetic SU(2) gauge theory JCAP 2019 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/08 |
37. | S. Shakeri, M A. Gorji and H. Firouzjahi Schwinger Mechanism During Inflation Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2019/04 |
38. | B. Salehian and H. Firouzjahi Vacuum decay and bubble nucleation in f(R) gravity Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/25 |
39. | H. Firouzjahi, A. Nassiri-Rad and M. Noorbala Stochastic Ultra Slow Roll Inflation JCAP 2019 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/24 |
40. | A. Allahyari, H. Firouzjahi and B. Mashhoon Quasinormal Modes of a Black Hole with Quadrupole Moment Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/23 |
41. | A A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi, A. Naruko and M. Sasaki Basic formulation of ôN formalism world scientific (2019), 184 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/22 |
42. | M. Noorbala, V. Vennin, H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi and D. Wands Tunneling in stochastic inflation JCAP 2018 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/27 |
43. | H. Firouzjahi, M A. Gorji, Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori, A. Karami and T. Rostami Two-field disformal transformation and mimetic cosmology JCAP 2018 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/26 |
44. | M A. Gorji, Sh. Mukohyama, H. Firouzjahi and Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori Gauge field mimetic cosmology JCAP 2018 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2018/07 |
45. | M. Zarei, H. Firouzjahi and Sh. Mukohyama Vector disformal transformation of cosmological perturbations Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/36 |
46. | M A. Gorji, Seyed A. Hosseini Mansoori and H. Firouzjahi Higher Derivative Mimetic Gravity JCAP 2018 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/35 |
47. | H. Firouzjahi, S. Jazayeri, A. Karami and T. Rostami Bubble nucleation and inflationary perturbations JCAP 2017 (2017), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/34 |
48. | S. Jazayeri, A. Vafaei Sadr and H. Firouzjahi Primordial anisotropies from cosmic strings during inflation Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/27 |
49. | H. Firouzjahi, M A. Gorji and A. Hosseini Mansoori Instabilities in Mimetic Matter Perturbations JCAP (Submitted) [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/07 |
50. | S. Jazayeri, A. Vafaei Sadr and H. Firouzjahi Primordial anisotropies from cosmic strings during inflation Phys. Rev. D (Submitted) [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/06 |
51. | T. Rostami, A. Karami and H. Firouzjahi Effective field theory of statistical anisotropies for primordial bispectrum and gravitational waves JCAP 2017 (2017), 31 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2017/46 |
52. | V. Vennin, H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi, M. Noorbala and D. Wands Critical Number of Fields in Stochastic Inflation Phys. Rev. Lett. (2017), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2016/12 |
53. | H. Firouzjahi Primordial Universe Inside the Black Hole and Inflation arXiv (2016), 23 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2016/27 |
54. | H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi, M. Noorbala, V. Vennin and D. Wands Multiple Fields in Stochastic Inflation JCAP (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2016/13 |
55. | H. Firouzjahi, A. Karami and T. Rostami Primordial inhomogeneities from massive defects during inflation JCAP (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2016/11 |
56. | A A. Abolhasani, M. Akhshik, R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi Primordial Statistical Anisotropies: The Effective Field Theory Approach JCAP (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/22 |
57. | f. Hassani, Sh. Baghram and H. Firouzjahi Lensing as a Probe of Early Universe: from CMB to Galaxies JCAP 2016 (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/21 |
58. | R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi Clustering Fossil from Primordial Gravitational Waves in Anisotropic Inflation JCAP (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/25 |
59. | S. Aiola, B. Wang, A. Kosowsky, T. Kahniashvili and H. Firouzjahi Microwave Background Correlations from Dipole Anisotropy Modulation Phys. Rev. D (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/24 |
60. | M. Akhshik, H. Firouzjahi and S. Jazayeri Cosmological Perturbations and the Weinberg Theorem JCAP 2015 (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/23 |
61. | M. Akhshik, H. Firouzjahi and S. Jazayeri Effective Field Theory of non-Attractor Inflation JCAP (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/09 |
62. | H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi, M.H. Namjoo and D. Wands CMB hemispherical asymmetry from non-linear isocurvature perturbations JCAP 2015 (2015), 15 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/08 |
63. | M.H. Namjoo, A.A. Abolhasani, H. Assadullahi, S. Baghram, H. Firouzjahi and D. Wands Expected dipole asymmetry in CMB polarization JCAP 2015 (2015), 10 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2015/07 |
64. | X. Chen, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Yi. Wang CMB statistical anisotropies of classical and quantum origins JCAP 2015 (2015), 16 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/12 |
65. | sh. Baghram, A A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi and M H. Namjoo Fingerprints of Anomalous Primordial Universe on the Abundance of Large Scale Structures JCAP (2014), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/63 |
66. | A. Abolhasani, S. Baghram, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo Asymmetric Sky from the Long Mode Modulations Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014), 16 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/23 |
67. | A. Abolhasani, R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi Primordial Anisotropies in Gauged Hybrid Inflation JCAP 2014 (2014), 21 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/20 |
68. | R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and M. Zarei Anisotropic Inflation with the non-Vacuum Initial State Phys. Rev. D (2014), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/19 |
69. | H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo Jump in fluid properties of inflationary universe to reconcile scalar and tensor spectra Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014), 12 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/18 |
70. | X. Chen, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang The TT, TB, EB and BB correlations in anisotropic inflation JCAP (2014), 27 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/17 |
71. | R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang Scalar-Tensor Anti-Cross-Correlation does not Help to Reconcile the Tension between BICEP2 and Planck Phys. Rev. D (2014), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/16 |
72. | M. Akhshik, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang Statistical Anisotropies in Gravitational Waves in Solid Inflation JCAP (Accepted) [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/15 |
73. | M.H. Namjoo, A. Abolhasani, S. Baghram and H. Firouzjahi CMB Hemispherical Asymmetry: Long Mode Modulation and non-Gaussianity JCAP 2014 (2014), 11 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/14 |
74. | S. Jazayeri, Y. Akrami, H. Firouzjahi, A. R. Solomon and Y. Wang Inflationary power asymmetry from primordial domain walls JCAP 2014 (2014), 22 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/11 |
75. | H. Firouzjahi, J. - Ouk Gong and M.h. Namjoo Scale-dependent hemispherical asymmetry from general initial state during inflation JCAP 2014 (2014), 16 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/10 |
76. | H.R. Afshar, H. Firouzjahi and S. Parvizi dS solutions with co-dimension 2 branes in six dimensions Class.Quant.Grav (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/25 |
77. | M. Alishahiha, H. Firouzjahi, K. Koyama and M.H. Namjoo Cosmological perturbations in inflationary models with anisotropic space-time scaling in a Lifshitz background Phys. Rev. D (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/24 |
78. | X. Chen, H. Firouzjahi, Eiichiro. Komatsu, M.H. Namjoo and M. Sasaki In-in and δN calculations of the bispectrum from non-attractor single-field inflation JCAP (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2014/22 |
79. | A. Abolhasani, R. Emami, J. T. Firouzjaee and H. Firouzjahi δN formalism in anisotropic inflation and large anisotropic bispectrum and trispectrum JCAP (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2013/34 |
80. | M.H. Namjoo, S. Baghram and H. Firouzjahi Hemispherical Asymmetry and Local non-Gaussianity: a Consistency Condition Phys. Rev. D (2013), 13 [abstract] Code: |
81. | S. Baghram, M.H. Namjoo and H. Firouzjahi Large Scale Anisotropic Bias from Primordial Non-Gaussianity A-2013/23 JCAP 2013 (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2013/23 |
82. | C. Xingang, H. Firouzjahi, M.H. Namjoo and M. Sasaki A single field inflation model with large local non-Gaussianity Europhys. Lett. 102 (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/21 |
83. | X. Chen, H. Firouzjahi, M.H. Namjoo and . Sasaki Fluid Inflation JCAP (2013), 13 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2013/25 |
84. | H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi, M H. Namjoo and D. Wands Modulated curvaton decay JCAP (2013), 041 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/24 |
85. | R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi Curvature Perturbations in Anisotropic Inflation with Symmetry Breaking JCAP (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/017 |
86. | M H. Namjoo, M. Sasaki and H. Firouzjahi Violation of non-Gaussianity consistency relation in a single field inflationary model Europhys. Lett. 101 (2013), 39001 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/015 |
87. | H. Firouzjahi, A. Green, K. Malik and M. Zarei The Effect of Curvaton Decay on the Primordial Power Spectrum Phys. Rev. D (2012), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/014 |
88. | H. Assadullahi, H. Firouzjahi, M. Namjoo and D. Wands Curvaton and the inhomogeneous end of inflation JCAP (2012), 024 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/012 |
89. | M. Namjoo, H. Firouzjahi and M. Sasaki Multiple Inflationary Stages with Varying Equation of State JCAP (2012), 018 [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/012 |
90. | A. Abolhasai, H. Firouzjahi and M. Noorbala Effects of Variable Newton Constant During Inflation Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2012/010 |
91. | A. A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi, Sh. Khosravi and M. Sasaki Local Features with Large Spike non-Gaussianities during Inflation JCAP 11 (2012), 012 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2012/011 |
92. | R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi Issues on Primordial Anisotropies Generated at the End of Inflation (Preprint) [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1111.1919 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2011/049 |
93. | A. A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi and M. Sasaki Curvature Perturbation and Waterfall Dynamics in Hybrid Inflation JCAP 10 (2011), 015 [abstract] arXive.org link: 1106.6315 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2011/003 |
94. | M. Alishahiha, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo DBI Lifshitz Inflation JCAP 08 (2011), 028 [abstract] arXive.org link: 1103.2919 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2011/006 |
95. | H. Firouzjahi and S. Khoeini-Moghaddam Fields Annihilation and Particles Creation in DBI Inflation JCAP 1102 (2011), 012 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1011.4500 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/047 |
96. | A.A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo Curvature Perturbations and non-Gaussianities from Waterfall Phase Transition during Inflation Classical Quant. Grav. 28 (2011), 075009 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1010.6292 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/044 |
97. | R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi, S.M.S. Movahed and M. Zarei Anisotropic Inflation from Charged Scalar Fields JCAP 1102 (2011), 005 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1010.5495 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/043 |
98. | A.A. Abolhasani and H. Firouzjahi No Large Scale Curvature Perturbations during Waterfall of Hybrid Inflation Phys. Rev. D 83 (2011), 063513 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1005.2934 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/018 |
99. | F. Firouzjahi, S. Khoeini-Moghaddam and S. Khosravi Cosmic Strings Collision in Cosmological Backgrounds Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010), 123506 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1004.0068 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/019 |
100. | D . Battefeld, T. Battefeld, H. Firouzjahi and N. Khosravi Brane Annihilations during Inflation JCAP 07 (2010), 009 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:1004.1417 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2010/013 |
101. | A.A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari Tachyonic Resonance Preheating in Expanding Universe Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010), 043524 [abstract] Code: IPM/P-2009/052 |
102. | A. Ashoorioon,, H. Firouzjahi and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari Matrix Inflation and the Landscape of its Potential JCAP 05 (2010), 002 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0911.4284 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2009/049 |
103. | R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and M. Sadegh Movahed Inflation from Charged Scalar and Primordial Magnetic Fields? Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010), 083526 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0908.4161 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2009/044 |
104. | H. Firouzjahi, J. Karouby, S. Khosravi and R. Brandenberger Zipping and Unzipping of Cosmic String Loops in Collision Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009), 083508 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0907.4986 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2009/043 |
105. | A. Ashoorioon , H. Firouzjahi and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari M-Flation: Inflation From Matrix Valued Scalar Fields JCAP 06 (2009), 018 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0903.1481 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2009/009 |
106. | R. Brandenberger, H . Firouzjahi, J. Karouby and S. Khosravi Gravitational Radiation by Cosmic Strings in a Junction JCAP 01 (2009), 008 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0810.4521 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2008/060 |
107. | F . Chen and H. Firouzjahi Dynamics of D3-D7 Brane Inflation in Throats JHEP 11 (2008), 017 [abstract] arXive.org link: arXiv:0807.2817 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P-2008/059 |