“Hossein Ghasem”

Tel: +98 21 22809150
Fax: +98 21 22809148

IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Particles and Accelerator
(2010 - 2017 ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Ph.D. Student, School of Physics
(2004 - 2009) |
Research Interests |
Accelerator Physics Lattice and beam transfer lines design for synchrotron light sources Linear and nonlinear beam dynamics in circular and linear accelerators Resonant radio frequency cavity and waveguide design Collective effects at high beam current Alternative methods for ultra short X-ray pulse generation with various light sources around the world Accelerator simulation soft wares Spectroscopy methods |
Related Papers |
1. | M. J. Boland, S. H. Shaker, S. sanaye Hajari, M. Dayyani Kelisani, H. Ghasem and et al. Updated baseline for a staged compact linear collider CERN, Geneva (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-474 |
2. | A. Sadeghipanah, A. H. Feghhi, J. Rahighi and H. Ghasem Low emittance pre-injection system for Iranian Light Source Facility Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 806 (2016), 340-347 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-415 |
3. | A. Sadeghipanah, A. H. Feghhi, J. Rahighi and H. Ghasem Bunch compression in low emittance pre-injection system of Iranian Light Source Facility JINST 11 (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-414 |
4. | F. Saeidi, R. Pourimani, J. Rahighi and H. Ghasem Normal Conducting Super-Bend in Ultralow Emittance ILSF Storage Ring Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 18 (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-403 |
5. | H. Ghasem, E. Ahmadi, F. Saeidi and K. Sarhadi Beam dynamics of a new low emittance third generation synchrotron light source facility Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 18 (2015), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-370 |
6. | H. Ghasem and E. Ahmadi Conceptual design and expected performance of Iranian light source facility injectors Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 795 (2015), 228-238 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-314 |
7. | J. Rahighi, M. Lamehi Rachti, R. Eghbali and H. Ghasem Progress Status of the Iranian Light Source Facility Laboratory ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 240-242.) Code: IPM/P.A-369 [abstract] |
8. | E. Ahmadi and H. Ghasem Developing Matlab-based Accelerator Physics Application for the ILSF Commissioning and Operation ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 3143-3145.) Code: IPM/P.A-368 [abstract] |
9. | H. Ghasem, E. Ahmadi and F. Saeidi Lattice Design History of the Iranian Light Source Facility Storage Ring ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 249-251) Code: IPM/P.A-367 [abstract] |
10. | F. Saeidi, J. Dehghani, M. Razazian, A. Shahveh, J. Rahighi, H. Ghasem and R. Pourimani Iranian Light Source Facility Storage Ring Low Field Magnets ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 1241-1243.) Code: IPM/P.A-366 [abstract] |
11. | M.A. Rahimi, A. Iraji, J. Rahighi, H. Ghasem, B. Kamkari, N. Ranjbar and F. Saeidi Study on Ground Vibration Characteristics of Iranian Light Source Facility ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 243-245.) Code: IPM/P.A-365 [abstract] |
12. | S. Fatehi and H. Ghasem ILSF Booster Magnets for the High Field Lattice ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 1244-1246.) Code: IPM/P.A-364 [abstract] |
13. | H. Ghasem and J. Etemad Moghadam Design of Iranian Light Source RF Shielded Bellows ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 252-254.) Code: IPM/P.A-363 [abstract] |
14. | A. Gholampour, S. Amiri, H. Khosroabadi, H. Ghasem, J. Rahighi and M. Lamehi Rashti Effect of the Electron Beam Emittance on the ILSF Radiation of Sources and Beamline Design ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2075-2077) Code: IPM/P.A-362 [abstract] |
15. | H. Ghasem, E. Ahmadi and F. Saeidi Super Bright Lattice for the Iranian Light Source Facility Storage Ring ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference}, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 255-257) Code: IPM/P.A-361 [abstract] |
16. | S. Amiri, A. Gholampour, H. Khosroabadi, H. Ghasem, J. Rahighi and M. Lamehi Rashti Photoemission Electron Microscopy Branch of Spectromicroscopy Beamline of the Iranian Light Source Facility ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2078-2080.) Code: IPM/P.A-360 [abstract] |
17. | S. Pirani, H. Ghasem, V. Moradi and K. Sarhadi 100 MHz RF System as an Alternative for the Iranian Light Source Facility ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2968-2970.) Code: IPM/P.A-359 [abstract] |
18. | A. Shahverdi, H. Ajam, H. Ghasem and K. Sarhadi Design and Construction of a 4 KW, 500 MHZ Solid State RF Amplifier at Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF) ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2264-2266.) Code: IPM/P.A-358 [abstract] |
19. | O. Seify, S. Kashani, J. Rahighi and H. Ghasem Design and Construction of a Prototype Sputter ion Pump in ILSF ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2323-2325.) Code: IPM/P.A-357 [abstract] |
20. | A. Sadeghipanah, H. Ghasem, J. Rahighi and K. Sarhadi Design and Construction of a Thermionic Cathode RF Electron Gun for Iranian Light Source Facility ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2965-2967) Code: IPM/P.A-356 [abstract] |
21. | H. Ghasem and M. Razazian Wake Field and Impedance Calculation due to the Beam Position Monitor in the ILSF Storage Ring ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 246-248) Code: IPM/P.A-355 [abstract] |
22. | A. Ramezani Moghaddam, J. Rahighi, H. Ghasem and M. Lamehi Rashti Magnetic Design of the First Prototype Pure Permanent Magnet Undulator for the ILSF ( In: in Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 June, Dresden, Germany, (2014), p. 2326-2328) Code: IPM/P.A-354 [abstract] |
23. | H. Ghasem, F. Saeidi and E. Ahmadi Low field low emittance lattice for the storage ring of Iranian Light Source Facility Journal of Instrumentation (2013), [abstract] |
24. | H. Ghasem, F. Saeidi and E. Ahmadi Low field low emittance lattice for the storage ring of Iranian Light Source Facility JINST 8 (2013), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-313 |
25. | J. Rahighi, H. Ghasem and et al., . A Third Generation Light Source Laboratory in Iran ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 1137-1139) Code: IPM/P.A-312 [abstract] |
26. | H. Ghasem, E . Ahmadi and F. Saeidi Closed Orbit Correction in the High Field Lattice of ILSF Storage Ring ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 127-129) Code: IPM/P.A-311 [abstract] |
27. | E . Ahmadi, F. Saeidi and H . Ghasem Lattice Design for ILSF Booster Synchrotron ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 121-123.) Code: IPM/P.A-310 [abstract] |
28. | H. Ghasem, E . Ahmadi and F. Saeidi Preliminary Design of Transfer Lines for the ILSF Accelerator Complex ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 2153-2155) Code: IPM/P.A-309 [abstract] |
29. | H. Ghasem, E . Ahmadi and F . Saeidi Injection Scheme into the ILSF Storage Ring based on High Field Lattice Structure ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 2156-2158) Code: IPM/P.A-308 [abstract] |
30. | H. Khosroabadi, S. Amiri, H. Ghasem and A. Gholampour X-ray Powder Diffraction Beamline for the Iranian Light Source Facility ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 130-132) Code: IPM/P.A-307 [abstract] |
31. | F . Saeidi , E . Ahmadi and H. Ghasem Effects of Insertion Devices in the High Field Lattice Structure of ILSF Storage Ring ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-17 May, Shanghai, China, (2013), p. 124-126) Code: IPM/P.A-049 [abstract] |
32. | H. Ghasem, F. Saeidi, E. Ahmadi and S. Fatehi Effects of Multipoles on Dynamic Aperture of the ILSF Storage Ring ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 May, New Orleans, USA, (2012), p. 1632-1634) Code: IPM/P.A-306 [abstract] |
33. | H. Ghasem and et al.,. Status Report on the Iranian Light Source Facility Project ( In: Proceeding of International Particle Accelerator Conference, 20-25 May, New Orleans, USA, (2012), p. 1131-1133.) Code: IPM/P.A-305 [abstract] |
34. | H. Hassanabadia, H. Rahimov and H. Ghasem A Unitary Transformation and Spectrum of a Three-Electron Quantum Dot Acta Phy. Polonica A 120 (2011), 521 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-304 |
35. | H. Ghasem, D. Einfeld, F. Saeidi and E. Ahmadi Lattice candidates for the ILSF storage ring ( In: Proceeding of the Second International Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-9 September, Spain, (2011), p. 2957-2959.) Code: IPM/P.A-303 [abstract] |
36. | H. Ghasem, D. Einfeld, F. Saeidi and E. Ahmadi Booster design for the ILSF Commun Theor Phys ( In: the Second International Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-9 September, Spain, (2011), p. 2060-2962) Code: IPM/P.A-051 [abstract] |
37. | H. Ghasem, G. H . Luo and A. Mohammadzadeh Utilization of transverse deflecting RF cavities in the designed QBA lattice of 3 GeV Taiwan Photon Source JINST 5 (2010), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-099 |
38. | H. Ghasem, A. Mohammadzadeh and H. Hassanabadi Computer simulation of bunch lengthening effects caused by a third harmonic cavity in conjunction with deflecting cavities in 3 GeV Taiwan Photon Source JINST 5 (2010), 1-8 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-098 |
39. | H. Ghasem, A. Mohammadzadeh and H. Hassanabadi Bunch Lengthening Effects by Utilizing a Third Harmonic Cavity in Conjunction with Deflecting Cavities in TPS ( In: IPAC, Kyoto, Japan, 2010 ) Code: IPM/P.A-097 [abstract] |
40. | H. Ghasem and G. H. Luo Utilization of Crab Cavities in the Designed QBA Lattice of Taiwan Photon Source ( In: in Proceeding of the First International Particle Accelerator Conference, (IPAC 2010), 23-28 May, Kyoto, Japan, (2010), p. 2538-2540.) Code: IPM/P.A-058 [abstract] |
41. | H. Ghasem Bunch Lengthening in Taiwan Photon Source Using Harmonic Cavity ( In: Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-8 May,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, PAC (2009)) Code: IPM/P.A-055 [abstract] |
42. | H. Ghasem and G. H . Luo Study of Errors due to Utilization of the Transverse Deflectors in QBA Lattice of Taiwan Photon Source ( In: Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-8 May, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, PAC (2009)) Code: IPM/P.A-054 [abstract] |
43. | H. Ghasem and G. H. Luo Transverse Deflecting RF Structures in the Designed QBA Lattice of Taiwan Photon Source ( In: Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-8 May, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, PAC (2009)) Code: IPM/P.A-053 [abstract] |
44. | H. Ghasem and G. H . Luo Emittance Degradation of Sources due to Utilization of Transverse RF Deflectors in Taiwan Photon Source ( In: Particle Accelerator Conference, 4-8 May, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, PAC (2009)) Code: IPM/P.A-052 [abstract] |
45. | H. Ghasem and G. H. Luo Using Superconducting Crab Cavity to Generate Ultra-Short X-ray Pulse ( In: Applied Superconductivity Conference, 17-22 August, Chicago, Illinois, USA., ASC (2008) 4LPC01 ) Code: IPM/P.A-057 [abstract] |
46. | H. Ghasem and G. H . Luo Short X-ray Pulse Generation in Taiwan Photon Source Using Deflecting Cavity ( In: European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, EPAC (2008), p. 2025-2027) Code: IPM/P.A-056 [abstract] |
47. | M . Aslaninejad and H . Ghasem Sum of Emittances in the Presence of a Linear Coupling ( In: European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, EPAC (2008) p. 2975-2977) Code: IPM/P.A-026 [abstract] |