“Mohammad Reza Pournaki”

IPM Positions |
Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics
(2012 - 2017 ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2011 - 2012) Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics (2007 - 2011) Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics (2006 - 2007) Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics (2004 - 2006) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics (2001 - 2004) Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics (2000 - 2001) Student Researcher, School of Mathematics (1997 - 1999) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Associate Professor of Sharif University of Technology | ||
Research Interests |
I am mostly interested in group theory, ring theory, module theory and their applications. These lead to many other areas, including character theory, homological algebra and combinatorics. | ||
Related Papers |
1. | H. R. Maimani and M. R. Pournaki (Joint with H. Amraei and A. Zaeembashi) The nonorientable genus of some Jacobson graphs and classification of the projective ones Publ. Math. Debrecen 88 (2016), 425-437 [abstract] |
2. | H. R. Maimani and M. R. Pournaki (Joint with H. Amraei and A. Zaeembashi) Classification of the toroidal Jacobson graphs Bull. Malaysian Math. Soc. (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s40840-015-0294-y [abstract] |
3. | M. R. Pournaki, S. A. Seyed Fakhari and S. Yassemi New classes of set-theoretic complete intersection monomial ideals Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), 3920-3924 [abstract] |
4. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with S. Kiani) Classification of rings with unit graphs having domination number less than four Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padova 133 (2015), 173-195 [abstract] |
5. | M. R. Pournaki, S. A. Seyed Fakhari and S. Yassemi (Joint with A. Constantinescu and N. Terai) Cohen-Macaulayness and limit behavior of depth for powers of cover ideals Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), 143-157 [abstract] |
6. | M. R. Pournaki, S. A. Seyed Fakhari and S. Yassemi (Joint with N. Terai) Simplicial complexes satisfying Serre's condition: a survey with some new results J. Commut. Algebra 6 (2014), 455-483 [abstract] |
7. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with A. K. Das) Nonplanarity of unit graphs and classification of the toroidal ones Pacific J. Math. 268 (2014), 371-387 [abstract] |
8. | M. R. Pournaki, S. A. Seyed Fakhari and S. Yassemi A generalization of the Swartz equality Glasg. Math. J. 56 (2014), 381-386 [abstract] |
9. | M. R. Pournaki, M. Tousi and S. Yassemi (Joint with B. Torrecillas) Pure-injectivity of tensor products of modules Algebra Colloq. 21 (2014), 151-156 [abstract] |
10. | M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with S. A. Seyed Fakhari) On the Stanley depth of weakly polymatroidal ideals Arch. Math. (Basel) 100 (2013), 115-121 [abstract] |
11. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with M. Alizadeh) An ideal theoretic approach to complete partite zero-divisor graphs of posets J. Algebra Appl. 12 (2013), 11 pages [abstract] |
12. | M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with S. A. Seyed Fakhari) Stanley depth of powers of the edge ideal of a forest Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), 3327-3336 [abstract] |
13. | M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with S. A. Seyed Fakhari) On the h-triangles of sequentially (Sr) simplicial complexes via algebraic shifting Ark. Mat. 51 (2013), 185-196 [abstract] |
14. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with M. Alizadeh and A. K. Das) On the diameter and girth of zero-divisor graphs of posets Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012), 1319-1324 [abstract] |
15. | M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with A. Goodarzi and S. A. Seyed Fakhari) On the h-vector of a simplicial complex with Serre's condition J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), 91-94 [abstract] |
16. | M. R. Mokhtarzadeh, M. R. Pournaki and A. Razani A note on periodic solutions of Riccati equations Nonlinear Dynam. 62 (2010), 119-125 [abstract] |
17. | H. R. Maimani and M. R. Pournaki (Joint with S. Yassemi) A class of weakly perfect graphs Czechoslovak Math. J. 60(135) (2010), 1037-1041 [abstract] |
18. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi Weakly perfect graphs arising from rings Glasgow Math. J. 52 (2010), 417-425 [abstract] |
19. | H. R. Maimani and M. R. Pournaki (Joint with N. Ashrafi and S. Yassemi) Unit graphs associated with rings Comm. Algebra 38 (2010), 2851-2871 [abstract] |
20. | H. R. Maimani and M. R. Pournaki (Joint with S. Yassemi) Rings which are generated by their units: a graph theoretical approach Elem. Math. 65 (2010), 17-25 [abstract] |
21. | M. R. Pournaki On the number of even permutations with roots Australas. J. Combin. 45 (2009), 37-42 [abstract] |
22. | M. R. Pournaki and A. Razani Erratum to: On the existence of periodic solutions for a class of generalized forced Lienard equations [Appl. Math. Lett. 20 (2007), no. 3, 248-254] Appl. Math. Lett. 21 (2008), 880 [abstract] |
23. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with M. S. Lucido) Probability that an element of a finite group has a square root Colloq. Math. 112 (2008), 147-155 [abstract] |
24. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with R. Sobhani) Probability that the commutator of two group elements is equal to a given element J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008), 727-734 [abstract] |
25. | G. R. Omidi, M. R. Pournaki and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie 3-Designs with block size 6 from PSL(2,q) and their large sets Discrete Math. 307 (2007), 1580-1588 [abstract] |
26. | M. R. Pournaki and A. Razani On the existence of periodic solutions for a class of generalized forced Lienard equations Appl. Math. Lett. 20 (2007), 248-254 [abstract] |
27. | M. R. Pournaki, M. Tousi and S. Yassemi Tensor products of approximately Cohen-Macaulay rings Comm. Algebra 34 (2006), 2857-2866 [abstract] |
28. | H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi Zero-divisor graph with respect to an ideal Comm. Algebra 34 (2006), 923-929 [abstract] |
29. | M. R. Pournaki An extension of a result of Gauss to finite groups: a linear algebraic approach Elem. Math. 61 (2006), 24-31 [abstract] |
30. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with I. M. Isaacs) Generalizations of Fermat's little theorem via group theory Amer. Math. Monthly 112 (2005), 734-740 [abstract] |
31. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with M. S. Lucido) Elements with square roots in finite groups Algebra Colloq. 12 (2005), 677-690 [abstract] |
32. | M. R. Pournaki and M. Tousi Explicit description of a class of indecomposable injective modules Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 25 (2005), 511-514 [abstract] |
33. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with C. Bessenrodt and A. Reifegerste) A note on the orthogonal basis of a certain full symmetry class of tensors Linear Algebra Appl. 370 (2003), 369-374 [abstract] |
34. | M. R. Pournaki (Joint with A. R. Moghaddamfar) Recognition of some symmetric groups by the set of the order of their elements Acta Math. Hungar. 99 (2003), 263-270 [abstract] |
35. | M. R. Pournaki On the orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with certain characters Linear Algebra Appl. 336 (2001), 255-260 [abstract] |
36. | M. R. Pournaki and M. Tousi A note on the countable union of prime submodules Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 27 (2001), 641-643 [abstract] |
37. | M. R. Pournaki Some non-trivial symmetry classes of tensors associated with certain characters Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 25 (2001), 523-527 [abstract] |
38. | M. R. Darafsheh, K. Mallahi and M. R. Pournaki A note on Cayley-Hamilton theorem for generalized matrix function Pure Math. Appl. 11 (2000), 553-557 [abstract] |
39. | M. R. Darafsheh and M. R. Pournaki Non-vanishing and orthogonal basis of symmetry classes of tensors Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 24 (2000), 525-531 [abstract] |
40. | M. R. Darafsheh and M. R. Pournaki Computation of the dimensions of symmetry classes of tensors associated with the finite two dimensional projective special linear group Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput. 10 (2000), 237-250 [abstract] |
41. | M. R. Darafsheh and M. R. Pournaki On the orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with the dicyclic group Linear Multilinear Algebra 47 (2000), 137-149 [abstract] |
42. | M. R. Darafsheh and M. R. Pournaki On the dimensions of cyclic symmetry classes of tensors J. Algebra 205 (1998), 317-325 [abstract] |