IPM Calendar 
Tuesday 14 January 2025   Today  
Events for day: Wednesday 01 January 2025    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar - Hybrid Format
A review of gravitational memory effects: some recent developments



In this talk, I will give an overview of the gravitational memory effect, its observable aspects and its consequences for fundamental physics. I will report some of my works in this area.

Indico Link:

Meeting Place:
Seminar Room, School of Particles and Accelerators, IPM

Link to Join Virtually:
https://www.skyroom.online/ch/ipm-particles/weekly-seminar ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Decision-Making: From Bacteria to Humans


Life is a set of chemical and physical reactions that occur in a temporal and spatial order and allow a living organism to make decisions. Therefore, we can consider the ability to make decisions by a living organism as its most important feature compared to the non-living world. All living organisms, from single-celled bacteria to humans, have the ability to make decisions, or in other words, choose between the alternatives before them. This ability is due to mechanisms that exist in the living organism and are coded in its genome. When we talk about the behavior of a living organism and its difference from other organisms, we actually mean ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
Hyperbolic Geometry and Continued Fractions


In this talk, we are going to uncover a paper written by E. Artin one hundred years ago, in 1924, entitled (in German) "Ein mechanisches System mit quasi-ergodischen Bahnen". "A Mechanical System with Quasi-Ergodic Trajectories " The connection between continued fractions and geodesics in the hyperbolic plane goes back to Humbert (1916) and Smith (1877) and it is used in an ingenious way by E. Artin in the above paper provided the first example of a dense geodesic trajectory on a special Riemann surface, the so-called "modular surface". In the first part of the talk, we will try to cover some preliminaries and generalities about di ...