Monday 13 January 2025 |
Events for day: Wednesday 04 December 2024 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - Virtual Format Generalization of the Covariant Phase Space Formalism by Adding Boundary Fluctuation Effects School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: From the famous Noether's theorem, we know that symmetries and conserved quantities are two sides of the same coin. In fact, this theorem states that we can associate a conserved quantity (conserved charge) with every continuous global symmetry. A natural question arises: can we also associate conserved charges with local continuous symmetries (such as those found in electromagnetic and gravitational theories)? The answer is that a certain class of these symmetries can indeed be associated with conserved charges. One method of associating charges with these symmetries is through the method of covariant phase space (al ... 14:00 - 15:00 Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar Limit of Low-Intensity Poisson-Voronoi Tessellation on the Diestel-Leader Graph School MATHEMATICS The Poisson point process is a random discrete set of points scattered in a metric space X (equipped with a volume measure). The corresponding Voronoi tessellation of X is the well-studied Poisson-Voronoi tessellation. Surprisingly, it has been observed only in the last few years that, if the intensity of the Poisson point process is changed and let converge to zero (and hence, the nuclei of the tessellation escape to infinity), the tessellation itself might not vanish in the limit. This phenomenon has been first observed for regular trees and for hyperbolic spaces. It has also found some important applications; e.g., on the Cheeger constant ... 15:30 - 17:00 Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar Small Eigenvalues of Hyperbolic Surfaces School MATHEMATICS We study the spectrum of the Laplacian on finite-area hyperbolic surfaces of large volume, focusing on small eigenvalues i.e. those below 1/4. I will discuss some recent results and open problems in this area. Based on joint works with Michael Magee and with Joe Thomas. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 819 4967 6990 Passcode: 362880 Venue: Niavaran, Lecture Hall 1 ... |