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Paper   IPM / Physic / 8583
School of Physics
  Title:   Double Lepton Polarization Forward-Backward Asymmetries in B \rar K l+ l Decay in the SM4
1.  V. Bashiry
2.  F. Falahati
  Status:   Preprint
  Year:  2007
  Supported by:  IPM
We investigate the influence of the fourth generation quarks on the double lepton polarizations forward-backward asymmetries in B\rar K l+ l decay. We obtain that for both (μ,  τ) channels the magnitude and the sign of the differential forward-backward asymmetries and the magnitude of the average forward-backward asymmetries are quite sensitive to the 4th generation quarks mass and mixing parameters. It can serve as a good tool to search for new physics effects, precisely, to search for the fourth generation quarks(t′, b′) via its indirect manifestations in loop diagrams.

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