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Paper   IPM / Physic / 7739
School of Physics
  Title:   Ground-State Densities and Pair Correlation Functions in Parabolic Quantum Dots
1.  M. Gattobigio
2.  P. Capuzzi
3.  M. Polini
4.  R. Asgari
5.  M.P. Tosi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. B
  Vol.:  72
  Year:  2005
  Pages:   045306
  Supported by:  IPM
We present an extensive comparative study of ground-state densities and pair distribution functions for electrons confined in two-dimensional parabolic quantum dots over a broad range of coupling strength and electron number. We first use spin-density-functional theory to determine spin densities that are compared with Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) data. This accurate knowledge of one-body properties is then used to construct and test a local approximation for the electron-pair correlations. We find very satisfactory agreement between this local scheme and the available DMC data, and provide a detailed picture of two-body correlations in a coupling-strength regime preceding the formation of Wigner-like electron ordering.

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