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Paper   IPM / Physic / 16234
School of Physics
  Title:   Nonlinear spin susceptibility in topological insulators
1.  M. Shiranzaei
2.  J. Fransson
3.  H. Cheraghchi
4.  F. Parhizgar
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. B
  Vol.:  97
  Year:  2018
  Pages:   180402(R)
  Supported by:  IPM
We revise the theory of the indirect exchange interaction between magnetic impurities beyond the linear response theory to establish the effect of impurity resonances in the surface states of a three-dimensional topological insulator. The interaction is composed of isotropic Heisenberg, anisotropic Ising, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya types of couplings. We find that all three contributions are finite at the Dirac point, which is in stark contrast to the linear response theory which predicts a vanishing Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type contribution. We show that the spin-independent component of the impurity scattering can generate large values of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type coupling in comparison with the Heisenberg and Ising types of couplings, while these latter contributions drastically reduce in magnitude and undergo sign changes. As a result, both collinear and noncollinear configurations are allowed magnetic configurations of the impurities.

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