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Paper   IPM / Particles And Accelerator / 12536
School of Particles and Accelerator
  Title:   Effects of QCD vacuum and the instanton induced- contributions to the nucleon structure functions
1.  Abolfazl Mirjalili
2.  Majid Dehghani
3.  Mohammad Medi Yazdanpanah
  Status:   Submitted
  Journal: Commun Theor Phys
  Year:  2012
  Supported by:  IPM
The instanton induced cross section in deep inelastic kinematics is a subject which people are tendentious to investigate it. Instanton induced contributions are well de?ned for the nucleon structure function. The non-perturbative contribution to the quark distributions of structure function, F2(x;Q2), is considered within an instanton model for the QCD vacuum. We ?nd that the structure function may possess numerically large non-perterbative contributions which are related to the violation of chirality and correspond to the correction of parton distribution of the leading twist. It is shown that the instantons give a negative contribution to the structure function at the NLO approximation. A comparison between our results, considering instantaon e?ect, and the case when we do not take this e?ect is done. Considering the instanton size, ?, via the modi?ed running coupling constant we get to a good agreement between our results at the NLO approximation and the available experimental data, specially at the low values of the Bjorken variable x < 0:1 which con?rms the validity of our calculations

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