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Paper   IPM / Physic / 11314
School of Physics
  Title:   Anderson Localization and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through Disordered Media
1.  A. Sheikhan
2.  N. Abedpour
3.  R. Sepehrinia
4.  M.D. Niry
5.  M. Reza. Rahimi Tabar
6.  M. Sahimi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Waves in Random and Complex Media
  No.:  1
  Vol.:  20
  Year:  2010
  Pages:   191-200
  Supported by:  IPM
We have used the dynamic method to calculate the frequency dependence of the localization length in a disordered medium, using the amplitude change and the redshift of the spectral density of the propagating incident pulse. The frequency dependence of the localization length in an effectively one-dimensional disordered medium is computed in terms of the strength of the disorder. The results obtained with the dynamic method are confirmed by computing the same results using the transfer-matrix method.

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