“Papers of School of Physics”


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  681. R. Asgari, M.I. Katsnelson and M. Polini,
Quantum capacitance and Landau parameters of massless Dirac fermions in graphene,
Ann. Phys. 526(2014), 359-365   [abstract]

   682. L. Majidi, M. Zare and R. Asgari,
Valley- and spin-filter in monolayer MoS2,
Solid State Commun. 199(2014), 52-55  [abstract]

   683. N. Kheirabadi, A. Shafiekhani and M. Fathipour,
Review on Graphene Spintronic, New Land for Discovery,
Superlattices and Microstructures 74(2014), 123  [abstract]

   684. A. Hosseinkhani, B. Ghannad Dezfouli, F. Ghasemipour, A. T. Rezakhani and H. Saberi,
Uncontrolled disorder effects in fabricating photonic quantum simulators on a kagome geometry: A projected-entangled-pair-state versus exact-diagonalization analysis,
Phys. Rev. A 89(2014), 062324  [abstract]

   685. K. Hajian, A. Seraj and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari,
Near Horizon Extremal Geometry Perturbations: Dynamical Field Perturbations vs. Parametric Variations,
JHEP 111(2014), 10  [abstract]

   686. A. Naji, M. Ghodrat, H. Komaie-Moghaddam and R. Podgornik,
Asymmetric Coulomb fluids at randomly charged dielectric interfaces: Anti-fragility, overcharging and charge inversion,
J. Chem. Phys. 141(2014), 174704   [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1409.2609687. P. Bakhti and Y. Farzan,
Measuring Dirac CP-violating phase with intermediate energy beta beam facility,
Eur. Phys. J. C 74(2014), 2777  [abstract]

   688. Y. Farzan and S. Palomares-Ruiz,
Dips in the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background,
JCAP 1406(2014), 014  [abstract]

   MR 1401.7019 [hep-ph]689. P. Bakhti and Y. Farzan,
Shedding light on LMA-Dark solar neutrino solution by medium baseline reactor experiments: JUNO and RENO-50,
JHEP 1407(2014), 64  [abstract]

   690. J.M. Cline, Y. Farzan, Z. Liu, G.D. Moore and W. Xue,
3.5 keV X-rays as the "21 cm line" of dark atoms, and a link to light sterile neutrinos,
Phys. Rev. D 89(2014), 121302  [abstract]

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