“Papers of School of Philosophy”
Alston on Belief and Acceptance in Religious Faith,
The Heythrop journal 50(2008), 23-30 [abstract]
122. H. Vahid,
Experience and the Space of Reasons: The Problem of Nondoxastic Justification,
Erkenntnis 69(2008), 295-313 [abstract]
123. H. Vahid,
Radical Interpretation and Moore's Paradox,
Theoria 74(2008), 146-163 [abstract]
124. H. Vahid,
The Puzzle of Fallible Knowledge,
Metaphilosophy 39(2008), 325-344 [abstract]
125. H. Vahid,
Varieties of Easy Knowledge Inference: A Resolution,
Acta Analytica 22(2007), 223-237 [abstract]
126. H. Vahid,
Aiming at Truth: Doxastic Vs. Epistemic Goals,
Philosophical Studies 131(2006), 303-335 [abstract]
127. H. Vahid,
Conceivability and Possibility: Chalmers on Modal Epistemology,
Philosophical Explorations 9(2006), 243-261 [abstract]
128. H. Vahid,
Islamic Humanism: From Silence to Extinction,
Islam and Science 3(2005), 43-56 [abstract]
129. H. Vahid,
Moore's paradox and Evan's principle: A reply to Williams' Analysis,
Analysis 65(2005), 337-341 [abstract]
130. H. Vahid,
Varieties of Epistemic Conservatism,
Synthese 141(2004), 97-122 [abstract]
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