“Papers of School of Nano-Sciences”


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  31. M. Valadkhani, S. Chen, F. Kowsary, G. Benenti, G. Casati and SM. Vaez Allaei,
Curvature and van der Waals interface effects on thermal transport in carbon nanotube bundles,
Scientific Reports (2022),   [abstract]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22641-y

   32. E. Aybar, A. Niezgoda, S. Mirkhalaf, M. Mitchell, D. Benedicto Orenes and E. Witkowska,
Critical quantum thermometry and its feasibility in spin systems,
6(2022), 808  [abstract]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22331/q-2022-09-19-808

   33. M. Panahi, V. Farzam Rad, S. Sasan, R. Jamali, A. Moradi and A. Darudi,
Detection of intralayer alignment in multicomponent lipids by dynamic speckle pattern analysis,
Journal of Biophotonics 15(2022),   [abstract]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbio.202200034

   34. S. Moradi Mehr, M. Charsooghi, L. Businaro, M. Habibi and A. Moradi,
Capillary pumping between droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces,
AIChE Journal 69(2022),   [abstract]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.17847

   35. A. . Kardani, A. Montazeri and H. M. . Urbassek,
Unraveling the temperature-dependent plastic deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline Ta implants through numerical analysis of grain boundary dynamics,
J. Mat. Sci. 15(2022), 16490â??16506  [abstract]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10853-022-07637-3

   36. M. Hatam-Lee, F. Jabbari and A. Rajabpour,
Interfacial thermal conductance between gold and SiO2: A molecular dynamics study,
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 26(2022),   [abstract]
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567265.2022.2066585

   37. M. Roodbari, M. Abbasi, S. Arabha, A. Gharedaghi and A. Rajabpour,
Interfacial thermal conductance between $TiO_2$ nanoparticle and water: A molecular dynamics study,
J. Molecular Liquids 348(2022),   [abstract]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.118053

   38. J. Sarabadani, R. Metzler and T. Ala-Nissila,
Driven polymer translocation into a channel: Isoflux tension propagation theory and Langevin dynamics simulations,
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 4(2022), 033003  [abstract]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033003

   39. M. Goli and S. Shahbazian,
Two-component density functional theory for muonic molecules: Inclusion of the electron-positive muon correlation functional,
The Journal of Chemical Physcis (2022),   [abstract]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0077179

   40. M. Farokhnezhad, R. Asgari and D. Culcer,
Spin-orbit torques due to extrinsic spin-orbit scattering of topological insulator surface states: out-of-plane magnetization,
Journal of Physics: Materials (2022),   [abstract]
DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ac9f6e

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