“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  991. M. Amini (Joint with M. Lashkarizadeh Bami and M. Valaei),
Super module amenability of inverse semigroup algebras,
Semigroup Forum 86(2013), 279-288  [abstract]

   992. A. Razani (Joint with M. Yazdi),
Viscosity approximation method for equilibrium and fixed point problems,
Fixed Point Theory 14(2013), 455-472  [abstract]

   993. S. Azam (Joint with M. Nikouei),
Weyl groups associated with affine reflection systems of type A1 (Coxeter type defining relations),
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 49(2013), 123-153  [abstract]

   994. S. Azam and M. Yousofzadeh (Joint with S. Reza Hosseini),
Extended affinization of invariant affine reflection algebras,
Osaka J. Math. 50(2013), 1039-1072  [abstract]

   995. K. Divaani-Aazar (Joint with M. Hatamkhani),
The derived category analogue of the Hartshorne-Lichtenbaum vanishing theorem,
Tokyo J. Math. 36(2013), 11 pages  [abstract]

   996. B. Tayfeh-Rezaie (Joint with H. Kharaghani),
Hadamard matrices of order 32,
J. Combin. Des. 21(2013), 212-221  [abstract]

   997. H. Emamirad (Joint with P. Rogeon),
Semiclassical limit of Husimi function,
DCDS-S 6(2013), 669-676  [abstract]

   998. M. Asgharzadeh and M. Tousi,
Grade of ideals with respect to torsion theories,
Comm. Algebra 41(2013), 3224-3240  [abstract]

   999. H. R. Maimani, M. R. Pournaki and S. Yassemi (Joint with M. Alizadeh),
An ideal theoretic approach to complete partite zero-divisor graphs of posets,
J. Algebra Appl. 12(2013), 11 pages  [abstract]

   1000. H. Emamirad and M. Sharifitabar,
On explicit representation and approximations of Dirichlet-to-Neumann semigroup,
Semigroup Forum 86(2013), 192-201  [abstract]

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