“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  351. H. Fallah (Joint with P. Lundberg and M. R. Razvan),
On the existence of canards in a nonlinear fluid system manifesting oscillatory behaviour,
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 98(2018), 58-63  [abstract]

   352. S. Nazardonyavi,
Improved explicit bounds for some functions of prime numbers,
Functions et Approximatio 58(2018), 7-22  [abstract]

   353. M. Amini (Joint with A. Medghalchi and H. Nikpey),
Globally exact operator spaces,
Glasnik Matematicki 53(2018), 179-186  [abstract]

   354. M. Amini (Joint with R. Rezavand),
Module operator virtual diagonals on the Fourier algebra of an inverse semigroup,
Semigroup Forum 97(2018), 562-570  [abstract]

   355. M. Gholami (Joint with Z. Gholami),
Anti quasi-cylic LDPC codes,
Journal de l'Ã?cole polytechnique â?? Mathématiques 22(2018), 1116-1119  [abstract]

   356. S. Beigi (Joint with A. Gohari),
phi-entropic measures of correlation,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64(2018), 2193-2211  [abstract]

   357. E. Eftekhary,
Bordered Floer homology and existence of incompressible tori in homology spheres,
Compos. Math. 154(2018), 1222-1268  [abstract]

   358. M. Golshani (Joint with Y. Hayut),
The special aronszajn tree property,
J. Math. Log. (2018), DOI: 10.1142/S0219061320500038  [abstract]

   359. Mohammad Golshani,
The generalized Kurepa hypothesis at singular cardinals,
Period. Math. Hungar. (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s10998-018-02667-7  [abstract]

   360. M. Golshani (Joint with S. Shelah),
On cuts in ultraproducts of linear orders II,
J. Symbolic Logic 83(2018), 29-39  [abstract]

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