“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  1331. A. R. Ashrafi (Joint with S. Hossein-Zadeh and A. Hamzeh),
Wiener-type invariants of some graph operations,
Filomat 23(2009), 103-113  [abstract]

   1332. A. R. Ashrafi (Joint with M. J. Nadjafi and g. H. Fath-Tabar),
Extremal graphs with respect to the vertex PI index,
Appl. Math. Lett. 22(2009), 1838-1840  [abstract]

   1333. M. Tousi (Joint with M. Asgharzadeh),
On the notion of Cohen-Macaulayness for non-Noetherian rings,
J. Algebra 322(2009), 2297-2320  [abstract]

   1334. D. A. Mojdeh (Joint with S. Mirzamani),
On the diameter of dot-critical graphs,
Opuscula Math. 29(2009), 165-175  [abstract]

   1335. A. Fakharzadeh Jahromi (Joint with J. E. Rubio),
Best domain for an elliptic problem in Cartesian coordinates by means of shape-measure,
Asian Journal of Control 11(2009), 536-547  [abstract]

   1336. E. Eftekhary,
A combinatorial approach to surgery formulas in Heegaard Floer homology,
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 9(2009), 2225-2246  [abstract]

   1337. A. Abdollahi (Joint with A. Tavakoli),
A note on centerality in infinite groups,
Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 33(2009), 207-208  [abstract]

   1338. A. Mafi (Joint with H. Saremi),
On the finiteness of local homology modules,
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino 67(2009), 117-122  [abstract]

   1339. G. R. omidi,
On a signless Laplacian spectral characterization of T-shape trees,
Linear Algebra Appl. 431(2009), 1607-1615  [abstract]

   1340. A. R. Ashrafi (Joint with H. Yousefi-Azari and N. Sedigh),
On the Szeged index of some Benzenoid graphs applicable in nanostructures,
Ars Combin. 90(2009), 55-64  [abstract]

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