“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  1281. M. R. Peyghami (Joint with K. Amini),
A kernel function based interior-point methods for solving P*(κ)-linear complementarity problem,
Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 26(2010), 1761-1778  [abstract]

   1282. D. Kiani (Joint with H. Hamidzade),
Erratum to "The lollitop graph is determined by its Q-spectrum",
Discrete Math. 310(2010), 1649  [abstract]

   1283. M. Behboodi (R. Beyranvand),
On the structure of commutative rings with pk1...1pknn(1 ≤ ki ≤ 7) zero-divisors,
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3(2010), 303-316  [abstract]

   1284. H. Khatibzadeh (Joint with B. Djafari Rouhani),
A strong convergence theorem for solutions to a nonhomogeneous second order evolutin equation,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 363(2010), 648-654  [abstract]

   1285. H. Khatibzadeh (Joint with B. Djafari Rouhani),
Asymptotic behavior of bounded solutions to a class of second order nonhomogenious difference equations of monotone type,
Nonlinear Anal. 72(2010), 1570-1579  [abstract]

   1286. A. Mohammadian and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie,
The spectrum of the McKay-Miller-Siran graphs,
Contemp. Math. 531(2010), 197-199  [abstract]

   1287. A. Amini-Harandi and M. Fakhar (joint with J. Zafarani),
Fixed point theorems for generalized set-contraction maps and their applications,
Nonlinear Anal. 72(2010), 2891-2895  [abstract]

   1288. M. R. Mokhtarzadeh, M. R. Pournaki and A. Razani,
A note on periodic solutions of Riccati equations,
Nonlinear Dynam. 62(2010), 119-125  [abstract]

   1289. A. R. Ashrafi (Joint with G. H. Fath-Tabar, M. J. Nadjafi-Arani, and M. Mogharrab),
Some inequalities for Szeged-like topological indices of graphs,
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 63(2010), 145-150  [abstract]

   1290. A. R. . Moghaddamfar (Joint with A. A. Hoseini),
Recognizing alternating groups Ap+3 for certain primes p by their orders and degree patterns,
FMC 5(2010), 451-553  [abstract]

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