“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  1211. M. R. Peyghami (Joint with R. Khanduzi),
Predictability and forcasting automotive price based on a hybrid train algorithm of MLP neural network,
Neural Computing and Applications (2011), DOI: 10.1007/s00521-011-0605-7  [abstract]

   1212. M. R. Koushesh,
The partially ordered set of one-point extensions,
Topology Appl. 158(2011), 509-532  [abstract]

   1213. A. R. Moghaddamfar (Joint with K. Moghaddamfar and H. Tajbakhsh),
New families of integer matrices whose leading principal minors form some well-known sequences,
ELA 22(2011), 598-619  [abstract]

   1214. J. Asadollahi, A. Bahlekeh, A. Hajizamani and Sh. Salarian,
On certain homological invariants of groups,
J. Algebra 335(2011), 18-35  [abstract]

   1215. K. Nourouzi (Joint with K. Fallahi),
Modular locally constant mappings in vector ultrametric spaces,
Abstr. Appl. Anal. (2011), doi: 1155/2011/574756  [abstract]

   1216. A. Mohammadian and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie,
Graphs with four distinct Laplacian eigenvalues,
J. Algebraic Combin. 34(2011), 671-682  [abstract]

   1217. H. R. Maimani (Joint with M. R. Pournaki, A. Tehranian, and S. Yassemi),
Graphs attached to rings revisited,
Arab. J. Sci. Eng. 36(2011), 997-1011  [abstract]

   1218. G. R. Omidi,
A note on group choosability of graphs with girth at least 4,
Graphs Combin. 27(2011), 269-273  [abstract]

   1219. M. Masjed-jamei (Joint with S. S. Dragomir),
A new generalization of the Ostrowski inequality and applications,
Filomat 25(2011), 115-123  [abstract]

   1220. M. Masjed-Jamei (Joint with G. V. Milovanovic, and M. A. Jafari),
Explicit forms of weighted quadrature rules with geometric nodes,
Mathematical and Computer Modeling 53(2011), 1133-1139  [abstract]

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