“Papers of School of Mathematics”


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  111. A. Mofidi,
On the number of cycles of graphs and VC-dimension,
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics 37(2022), 121-135  [abstract]

   112. S. Salehi,
Axiomatic (and non-axiomatic) mathematics,
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(2022), 1157-1176  [abstract]

   113. S. Salehi,
`Sometime a Paradox', now proof: Yablo is not first order,
Log. J. IGPL 30(2022), 71-77  [abstract]

   114. M. Amini and M. Rostami,
Approximation properties of C* -algebras of cancellative semigroups,
Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 28(2022), 1-17  [abstract]

   115. A. Rajaei and A. Maarefparvar (Joint with E. Shahoseini),
Ostrowski quotient for finite extensions of number fields,
Pacific J. Math. 321(2022), 415-429  [abstract]

   116. M. Behboodi and A. Moradzadeh-Dehkordi (Joint with M. Qourchi Nejadi),
Direct sum decompositions of projective and injective modules into virtually uniserial modules,
Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. 116(2022), 1-11  [abstract]

   117. Mahdi. Khajeh Salehani,
Interdisciplinary approaches to the mathematical modeling of social systems (In Persian),
Journal of Mathematics and Society 7(2022), 95-111  [abstract]

   118. S. Saeidi madan (Joint with D. Kiani and S. Tafazolian),
Hankel edge ideals of trees and (semi-)Hamiltonian graphs,
Bull. Malaysian Math. Soc. 45(2022), 2493-2507  [abstract]

   119. E. Zamanzade (Joint with M. Mahdizadeh),
On estimating the area under the Roc curve in ranked set sampling,
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(2022), 1500-1514  [abstract]

   120. E. Zamanzade (Joint with M. Mahdizadeh),
Cdf estimation in multistage pair ranked set sampling,
Hacettepe J. Math. Statis. 51(2022), 1768-1779  [abstract]

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