“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  651. B. Bahrami, R. Seyedsadjadi, B. Babadi and M. Noroozian,
Brain Complexity Increases in Mania,
Neuroreport 2(2005), 187-191  [abstract]

   652. S.M. Aghdaee,
Adaptation to Spiral Motion in Crowding Condition,
Perception 34(2005), 155-162  [abstract]

   653. A. Zaerpoor, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, M.R. Baruni and Z. D. Wang,
Distributed Object Transportation on a desired Path Based on Constrain-and-move Strategy,
Journal of Autonomous Robots and Systems 50(2005), 115-128  [abstract]

   654. R. Farazifard, R. Kiani and H. Esteky,
Effects of Neonatal C-fiber Depletion on the Integration of Paired-whisker Inputs in Rat Barrel Cortex,
Experimental Brain Research 162(2005), 115-121  [abstract]

   655. M.R. Zarrindast and A. Rezayof,
Morphine state-dependent learning: sensitization and interactions with dopamine receptors,
EUR J PHARMACOL (2004), 197-204  [abstract]

   656. M.R. Zarrindast, M.R. Jafari, S. Ahmadi and B. Djahanguiri,
Influence of central administration ATP-dependent K+ channel on morphine state-dependent memory of passive avoidance,
EUR J PHARMACOL 487(2004), 143-148  [abstract]

   657. F. Moradi,
Information coding and oscillatory activity in synfire neural networks with and without inhibitory coupling,
BIOL CYBERN 91(2004), 283-294  [abstract]

   658. H. Soltanian Zadeh, F. Rafiee Rad and S. Pourabdollah-Nejad ,
Comparison of multiwavelet, wavelet, Haralick, and shape features for microcalcification classification in mammograms,
PATTERN RECOGN 37(2004), 1973â??1986  [abstract]

   659. P. Pakarian, SM. Rayegani and S. Shahzadi,
Effect of Vim thalamic DBS in Parkinson's disease on F wave duration,
NEUROSCI LETT 367(2004), 323-326  [abstract]

   660. C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi and N. Sheikholeslami,
Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller,
INTELL AUTOM SOFT CO 10(2004), 11-22  [abstract]

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