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Paper   IPM / P / 6557
School of Physics
  Title:   The Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories
1.  M. Khorrami
2.  M.R. Rahimi Tabar
3.  A. Aghamohammadi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Nucl. Phys. B
  No.:  40
  Vol.:  497
  Year:  1997
  Pages:   555-566
  Supported by:  IPM
We study the correlation functions of logarithmic conformal field theories. First, assuming conformal invariance, we explicitly calculate two- and three-point functions. This calculation is done for the general case of more than one logarithmic field in a block, and more than one set of logarithmic fields. Then we show that one can regard the logarithmic field as a formal derivative of the ordinary field with respect to its conformal weight. This enables one to calculate any n-point function containing the logarithmic field in terms of ordinary n-point functions. Finally, we calculate the operator product expansion (OPE) coefficients of a logarithmic conformal field theory, and show that these can be obtained from the corresponding coefficients of ordinary conformal theory by a simple derivation.

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